Rationalizing the misuse of taxpayer funds because they have been used for worse purposes is a good part of how our government has gotten so out of control.
If you support the government's abuses of it's authority that you like, then you don't have solid grounds for supporting similar abuses that you don't like.
Far too many people look at how the government wastes money, and while they generally oppose it, when they see a cause they like, they figure that since the government wastes so much money, they should waste some on that.
Our politicians pander try to pander to all kinds of special interests so that they do something for most everyone.
We tossed out the idea that government has limited authority long ago, and allow them to use our tax dollars on just about anything but Christianity.
I perhaps didn’t explain my point well enough....I don’t consider taxpayer money used so that a dying girl can see her incarcerated father to be a waste, compared to where it’s wasted on cable/internet access, for example.