Does it amaze you how many respected individuals are friends with him, support him, even love him, if he’s so crazy? It isn’t unusual for a marriage to crumble after extreme trauma or tragedy. That’s not an excuse, but it doesn’t make me conclude that he doesn’t have the character to be President. Just consider how many powerful leaders in history have had affairs. He was ashamed of the Keating scandal but was actually found guilty of nothing. His “treatment of the POW/MIA” business is a bunch of crap peddled by a few angry nuts on the internet and bought into by people who want to hate McCain, and yes, he voted for amnesty, just like President Bush, and I voted for President Bush both times, too. Didn’t you? What are your big plans on election day if you aren’t voting for John Sidney?
No, that only shows that "respected people" can also be scumbags and hypocrites...e.g. Teddy Kennedy is very well respected and no doubt loves MacCain dearly.