I am at a loss to understand your statement. The whole point of the Preface is to ask God to permit us at this moment to join our voices with the angels and archangels who are offering their prayer and adoration rejoicing in his presence forever in their unending hymn of praise: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might.
A "mass" without the Preface and Sanctus is not a Mass. I, too, have attended Mass all over the country, and in England, Ireland, Germany and Italy as well, and the Preface has never been omitted. I have even had the misfortune of attending "masses" run under the auspices of dingbat nuns who were in fact feminist apostates, and even their hireling capon priest had a Preface and Sanctus invoking the angels.
The "Ordinary" (unchanging parts) of the Mass itself makes only one brief mention of Mary, in the Confiteor, which reads in its entirety:
"I confess to almighty God,
and to you my brothers and sisters
that I have sinned through my own fault
in what I have done and what I have failed to do
and I ask the blessed Mary ever virgin
all the angels and saints,
and you my brothers and sisters
to pray for me to the Lord our God."
This has nothing to do with "adoring Mary." Read it. It's asking Mary, together with all other members of the Church, to intercede for us to God, Whom alone we adore.
Aquinasfan, I'm pinging you for your insight here. Have you ever been to a Mass which omitted mention of angels from the Preface? It sounds bizarre-o to me.
I always notice the angels part in the Spanish Mass, because it cues us to get ready for the “Santo.” My husband and son, not understanding any Spanish, need a nudge :-).
As you can see from this link, prayers referring to the Virgin Mary are optional in the mass.
It is encouraging to hear you attend masses with prayers to her included. Does your parish offer rosaries? Also does it ever include the Popes Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel (defend us in Armageddon)?