Please. It’s Paul Craig Roberts, foaming-at-the-mouth America-hater.
“Please. Its Paul Craig Roberts, foaming-at-the-mouth America-hater”
I don’t agree with his insinuatins regarding the military aspect of his article, but on the economic front he is mostly right.
America is in a state of decline over the long term trendlines. Nearly all the economic indicators show this, especially when compared to other countries.
Although I do believe in free trade. Our politicos sold our middle class out with unfair and unbalanced trade deals. More importantly, they didn’t put the required transition in for the middle class worker. If you go headlong into free trade (which we did), you have to invest in:
1)intensive worker retraining
2)a herculean secondary math and science education effort that would be on a level with our “mission to put a man on the moon” by NASA...a total national effort
Note: I’m sure people will on here will critique that as too much government spending. But it is what we have brought upon ourselves with free trade that came too fast. You can’t do that without a transition phase that includes massive spending to prepare our future workers for the int’l economy.