you’ve nailed the whole crux of the whole speech by Obama Stocktrader. Obama did one of two things today with hius speech- he either nailed the candidacy by making white America feel so guilty for ‘not understandign the dynamics of the black race” or he lost the run for president as people see what he was truly saying- that we’re to blame. We’ll see how hte political commentators go with what was said today
My worry is that all of this is going to lead to a backlash of anger. I work in D.C. and I remember the riots of the 60s in our city.
A black man like Obama is uniquely qualified to tell the black pastors to STOP SPREADING RACISM, HATE AND VENOM in church (where Pastors carry considerable sway)!! He could have said, "IT MUST STOP,,,IT MUST STOP NOW!
Instead, he 'kicked the can further down the road'---by trying to indirectly justify black racism--telling us that "we just don't understand".
How sad. Sigh.
By now completely disassociating himself from a racist like Wright--is legitmized what is said by some pastors in some black churches. How terribly sad.
This speech will play wonderfully in the black community, liberal MSM and democratic party,,in fact, it assures his nomination.
It will also play HORRIBLY with free-thinking people in the general election--and keep 'race baiting' on the front burner. How sad.