Yep. For people who are supposed to be "all about the children," they surely don't seem to care where they lead them by example.
I'm simmering on some thoughts about the inspiration guys like Spitzer give mixed up young women; creating demand for young girls and the people who expoit them. It'll be a smoking blog post when I get to it. Why not prosecute the purchaser of prostitution? Without them, it wouldn't exist.
I was noticing how many stories there were on the msm today about monogamy- and how it is not a “natural” state for humans - or in the animal kingdom don’chknow.
We are, afterall, just animals, and are obeying the call of the wild.
So when democrats have a scandal, the “news” is that monogamy is too much to ask of people.
When a republican gets caught in a scandal the news is about the hypocricy of republicans.