He also has some good writings on the Beatles, Dylan Thomas and Henry Miller. Schaeffer believed that the reason for the current insanity in the world was that modern thinkers had abandoned the premise of thesis and antithesis, or classical reasoning.
Francis Schaeffer is a good read. I never got the impression that he was particularly well received by the Religious Right for several reasons. The first is that most hadn't heard of him. The second reason was because he pushed strongly for an intellectual defense of Christianity, and most of the Religious Right never, from what I saw, never came to grips with putting together an intellectual defense of Christianity against modern relativist thought.
Since I'm more interested in society and culture, I found The God Who is There to be his best book.
Here I am a big fan if Christian apologetics from an intellectual point of view (Lewis and Chesterton) and I have not even heard of Francis Schaeffer.....me bad....me going to become unbad and do some Schaeffer reading. Sounds like his son is a raving nutjob....oh well..