They are : Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to useAfter it was statistically proved Cooper rules to be un-safe,
The NRA Training Department replaced his rules them with three rules
about twenty years ago which are easier to remember and have proven
to be be much safer. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
< snort >
Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
What is a safe direction?
Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use
Keep my defensive weapons unloaded? Not on my life!
Know how to use the gun safely.
Define "safely". This "rule" is circular.
Wear eye and ear protection.
When dealing with an armed criminal? NOT!
NEVER use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
Sorry, dear, I can't shoot the rapist. I just drank a beer.
The Four Rules are memorable, concrete, and equally applicable to range time as to a defensive situation.
The NRA rules ... not so much.
And that's my point. Some folks get too hung up on equipment.