Hussein’s membership in this racist Anti-American group that calls itself a church, is more evidence that he cannot be trusted to be loyal to the United States.
In June of 2007, Obama attended the 93rd annual Hampton University Ministers’ Conference and it was videotaped. In the first minutes of the video, Obama had this to say:
“I’ve got to give a special shout-out to my pastor, the guy who puts up with me, counsels me, listens to my wife complain about me. He’s a friend, and a great leader. Please everybody give an extraordinary welcome to my pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Jr. ...Where he at? -There he is! That’s him right there!”
He joined and stayed at that Church because it gave him "black street cred" and he knew that crazy uncle jerry was a black nationalist, it's posted all over their web site.
Crazy uncle jerry, makes and sells DVDs of his weekly rants and screeds, so even if osamaobama was not present at any particular condemnation of the USA, either he or his staff, had to know that crazy uncle jerry, was a foul mouthed, hate filled, racial bigot.
Many blacks will not admit that they are bigoted, and osamaobama's black TV defenders are proof of that.
I'm sick of the rant that America is a racist Country.
Slavery was an institution that was brought here under the british rule and was official USA policy for only 87 of our 232 years as an independent Country.
Slavery was immoral and hundreds of thousands of our citizens died in the war to eliminate it.
Lybia was founded by freed US slaves that went back to Africa. If crazy uncle jerry finds that the "rich white men" that are oppressing him are so offensive, he is free to join them in a country ruled by black men.