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To: smoothsailing

Thx, excellent source of speeches.

After President Bush, Ann Coulter is the person
most despised by secular progressives, liberals,
homosexuals, bisexuals, trisexuals,
transvestites, lesbians, atheists, deviants,
cretins... President Bush, by the way, is more
hated than Ann because he replaced over 3,000
liberal federal judges with over 3,000
conservative federal judges and also two liberal
Supreme Court Judges with two conservative
Supreme Court Judges. With an average age of
50 years, that provides the U.S. approximately
30 years - God willing - of service by
conservative judges. Even more disturbing - as
any secular progressive will tell you - is that
President George Bush, with his “INFERIOR”
IQ, managed to out-slick intellectually
SUPERIOR secular progressives and liberals
by stealing the presidency right from under
them - TWICE!!

In order to correct lies propogated by Ann’s
detractors, the following biographical
information is provided about Ann’s education,
intelligence, and professional accomplishments.
This is particularly necessary in the case of such
a controversial figure as Ann Coulter, who
strikes inordinate fear, loathing, and impotence
in liberals and secular progressives, second
only to George Bush and Bill O’Reilly.

Ann grew up in well-to-do Connecticut, inside
a family she describes as “upper middle class”.
Conservative values were all around, whether
personified by her stay-at-home mom or her
Republican neighbors (though they were
“moderate” Republicans, says Coulter now —”a
species inferior even to liberals). My father
was a lawyer. He was a union buster,” she says
with pride. At four years of age, Ann’s father
encouraged Ann to join debates around the
dinner table. Young Ann learned to form an
opinion and present her case. Her mother, Nell
M. Coulter, is a member of the New Canaan
Republican Town Committee.

Ann’s father, John Vincent Coulter, recently
passed away. Those of us who admire and
respect Ann are saddened at Ann’s - and the
world’s - loss of the man who nurtured and
inspired Ann. With Ann continuing Mr. Coulter’s
fight against the spawn of McCarthy’s traitorous
WWII communists - secular progressives - Mr.
Coulter left the world a much better place than
he found it.

Prior to his union busting days, Mr. Coulter
spent most of his nine-year FBI career as a
Red hunter in New York City. As a FBI agent
busting Soviet spies, Mr. Coulter developed
a contempt and hatred for traitorous commies
that he passed on to Ann. In addition to stealing
damaging information, such as military plans
and military secrets, including the atomic bomb,
the spies also collected and passed weapons
technology secrets to the Soviets. Mr. Coulter
worked on the Rudolf Abel case – the highest-
ranking Soviet spy ever captured in U.S. history.
Another case Mr. Coulter worked on was the
commi spy William Remington.

Mr. Remington was a member of the U.S.
Communists Party and the President’s
Council of Economic advisors. He passed
military secrets to a high ranking communist
spy, Elizabeth Bentley. Information Mr.
Remington passed on to Elizabeth Bentley was
data on airplane production and other secret
matters concerning the aircraft industry, as well
as information on an experimental process
for manufacturing synthetic rubber.

In the early 1980s, as vice-president and labor
lawyer for Phelps Dodge copper company, Mr.
Coulter broke a strike against the company,
which culminated in the largest union
de-certification ever – at that time and perhaps
still. President Reagan had broken the air traffic
controllers’ strike in 1981. But unions
recognized that it was the breaking of the Phelps
Dodge strike a few years later that landed the
greater blow, as described in the book “Copper

There was massive violence by the strikers,
including guns being fired into the homes of the
mine employees who returned to work. Every
day, Mr. Coulter walked with the strikebreakers
through the picket line. In Ann’s own words:
“By 1986 it was over; the mine workers voted
against the union and Phelps Dodge was
saved. For any liberals still reading, this is
what’s known as a ‘happy ending.’

Right now, Ann’s dad is probably looking
down with his arms around Joe McCarthy
and Ronald Reagan proudly saying: “Ain’t
she Something.”

It’s apparent where Ann got her visceral
contempt for communists and their present
day spawn: secular progressives.

Ms. Coulter is a graduate of Cornell University
and went on to receive her J.D. from the
University of Michigan Law School, where she
achieved membership in the Order of the
Coif and was an editor of the Michigan Law
Review. Membership in the order of the Coif is
a scholastic achievement awarded to law
students receiving the highest grades in the
nation’s elite law schools and is a valuable
credential on the resume of any lawyer.
Contrary to secular liberals’ accusations that
Ann attacks them in order to sell books, she
has, in fact, been making liberals lives
miserable for decades. While attending law
school, Ann often wore a fur coat to class,
even in temperate weather. Fellow students
interpreted her wearing of fur as a political
statement directed at “PETA loving”
classmates. Coulter was a member of Delta
Gamma, a national women’s fraternity, while
at Cornell.

At Michigan, Coulter founded a local chapter
of the Federalist Society and was trained at
the National Journalism Center. After law
school, Ann selected to serve attorney in the
Department of Justice Honors Program for
OUTSTANDING law school graduates. Coulter
clerked for Pasco Bowman II of the United
States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit,
and practiced corporate law for four years
before becoming a congressional aide, in
1994. After a short time in private practice in
New York City, she worked for the United
States Senate Judiciary Committee, where
she handled crime and immigration issues for
Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan. She
later became a litigator with the Center For
Individual Rights.

Ann Coulter is the legal correspondent for
Human Events and writes a popular syndicated
column for Universal Press Syndicate. Ann is a
frequent guest on many TV shows, including
Politically Incorrect, Larry King Live, Hannity
& Colmes, The O’Reilly Factor, American
Morning With Paula Zahn, Crossfire, ABC,
This Week, Good Morning America, the Leeza
Show, and has been profiled in TV Guide,
National Journal, Harper’s Bazaar, George
Magazine, CSPAN -1, and CSPAN - 2. Ann
was named one of the TOP 100 Public
Intellectuals by federal judge Richard Posner
in 2001. Ann also travels around the nation on
campus speaking engagements,
deprogramming students brainwashed by
secular progressive “teachers.”

Each update of Wikipedia’s description of Ann
has painted her in an increasingly negative
light. One, of many, glaring errors is the
accusation by liberals that Ann is guilty of
plagiarism (which Wikipedia mentions
repeatedly for emphasis throughout her
biography ), yet Wikipedia continues to ignore
the fact that the left wing smear sites false
accusations were corrected back in July of this
2007 (see Daily Kos, Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at
08:29:00 AM PDT - “TPM Muckracker has an
itemized list of Ann Coulter’s supposed Ann
Coulter plagiarism charges overblown
“plagiarism, and sorry to say, there’s not much
there. Coulter is a lot of things, but it doesn’t
look like plagiarist is one of them).” Ann is then
attacked for her church attendance which was
inaccurately reported by a reporter. Like many
other inane pieces of “information”, the reader
is left asking “and your point?”

No less than terrorist scholars, Daniel
Pipe and Robert Spencer,
have complained of similar distortions
of their biographies by Wikipedia volunteer
authors. These politically correct distortions of
prominent terrorist scholars is a weakness of
having thousands of dishonest liberal volunteer
authors - apparently unchecked - abuse
Wikipedia’s open editing policy. For a more
informative and less dishonest biography of Ann,
google Ann Coulter Fur Coat to read earlier, far
less distorted iterations of Wikipedia’s
descriptions of Ann. Wikipedia is very
informative when dealing with scientific facts
but veers left when dealing with subjective -
particularly political - material.

Watching Ann serially slap-down long lines of
brainwashed liberal college students waiting to
engage her in debate is humor that brings tears
to conservative viewers’ eyes and can be viewed
on You Tube. Viewers are warned that one of the
videos contain violent scenes such as effeminate,
secular progressive male students making futile
attempts to strike Ann with pies and then being
beaten down by conservative women.
Conservative fans of Ann will also enjoy the
series of stunning photos of Ann provided by the
Stanko bros. Being brilliant, and stunningly
attractive, impotent liberals constantly refrain
that Ann is a transexual is confusing(???) in
light of liberals acceptance and love of
homosexuals, transexuals, bisexuals, trisexuals,
pedophiles, deviants, creatons ...

Ann recently purchased a second home for
$1.8 million home in the resort town of
Palm Beach, Florida, where other famous
residents include Rush Limbaugh, Rod Stewart,
Jimmy Buffett and Donald Trump. Predictively,
secular progressives railed at the expense of
her new home and repeated claims that her
outrageous actions are motivated to increase
the sale of her books, apparently oblivious to
the notion that as an attorney specializing in
constitutional law, Ann is committed to
changing our culture by informing the public of
the extent our culture has degradaded, and the
shocking amount of pain, death, and suffering
Americans are subjected to because of laws
enacted during the ‘60’s by the liberal
Justices of the Warren court. Ann also wrote
that even when police and prosecutors are able
to negotiate legal minefields constructed
by the liberal Warren Court and successfully
prosecute murderers, rapists, and child
abusers, liberal judges regularly hand out
little or no punishment.

Bill O’Reilly is doing his part and uses his
radio and television programs to expose liberal
Judges who practice Restorative Justice, often
giving murderers and child rapists little or no
jail time. Restorative Justice represents a
philosophy practiced by “compassionate” liberal
judges who view rapists and murderers as
victims of society who need treatment and
to be RESTORED to society. At least a half-
dozen Judges who have been exposed on
O’Reilly’s shows are no longer on the bench
while others have been forced to increase
the paltry sentences they hand out to viscious
criminals as a direct result of O’Reilly’s
blistering Jihad against liberal judges
practicing restorative justice. The “O’Reilly
effect” on sentences handed out by liberal judges
cannot be over estimated. Nationwide, liberal
judges are, no doubt, cowering in their chambers
trying to solve the conundrum of how to give
probation or light sentences to child rapists
and murderers without drawing the ire of Bill
O’Reilly. Secular Progressives hate Ann Coulter
and Bill O’Reilly because of their effectiveness
in exposing the damage caused by secular
progressives to our culture.

Visits to liberal sites are instructive in exposing
liberals goals and progress in completing the
conversion of our society into their vision of a
utopian society patterned after secular
progressive(socialist) Western Europe. An
insight into Bill and Ann’s effectiveness, and
liberal’s pervasive fear - and hatred - is given by
googling Coulter Bitch or O’Reilly Obnoxious.
Far left or secular progressives hate sites
can also be located by googling Bush Kill
Nazi which produces close to a quarter-
million hits. It’s amazing how many
imaginative ways liberals and secular
progressives have dreamed of to kill
President Bush!!!

Ann not only exposes liberals through her
writings and speeches but regularly attacks
liberal politicians. Ann reviles Bill Clinton as
a rabid fornicator and rapist who lowered
the morals of highly susceptible children.
Numerous psychologists have reported that
Clinton’s extensively reported defense that
oral servicing by Monaca “was not sex”
resulted in an explosion of oral sex (because
“it’s not sex”) by children. Ann also wrote
High Crimes and Misdemeanors which made
a the case for Clinton’s impeachment.

Ann’s contempt for liberals is not
constrained to writing books, giving speeches,
and participating in debates. She also provided
legal assistance to Paula Jones and was pivotal
in having Clinton impeached when the charges
against Clinton faltered. In Newsweek, reporter
Michael Isikoff’s new book Uncovering Clinton:
A Reporter’s Story, Coulter - who, was
providing legal assistance to Jones - was
unmasked as the one who leaked word of
Clinton’s “distinguishing characteristic” —
that Jones said she could recognize and
describe when he drops his pants — to the
news media. As Ann planned, the leak
fostered mistrust between Clinton’s and Jones
camps and forestalled an impending
settlement which ultimately led to Clinton’s
impeachment. According to the Coulter Watch
website, Coulter also told Isikoff, “We were
terrified that Jones would settle. It was contrary
to our purpose of bringing down the president.”

Liberals’ anger towards Ann reflects Ann’s
exposure of the suffering and damage inflicted
on society by liberals over the last fifty
years. During that period liberals have used
schools, television, newspapers, entertainment -
especially Hollywood and political institutions
- including the Judiciary committee (which
wields inordinate control over the nation’s
laws including confirmations of thousands of
the nation’s judges including the Supreme Court
Justices), and liberal judges to control the
nation. As a constitutional lawyer, Ann has a
unique perspective on the Warren court’s
“heyday of liberal activism from 1963 to 1969,
during which the Warren court remade criminal
laws to benefit criminals.” “Hundreds of
thousands of criminals were unleashed on
society, where they could commit more rapes
and murders. Liberal ideas on crime led like
night into day to skyrocketing crime rates in
the sixties and seventies. It is impossible
to calculate the blood on the hands of the
Warren Supreme Court Justices whose personal
view was that it is unfair to punish the

Ann continues on
in her book “Godless” that In 1961, the
Court announced the ever - popular
exclusionary rule in Mapp v. Ohio, requiring
that evidence obtained “illegally” by the
police be banned from trial. The exclusionary
rule is among the strangest policies ever
concocted by the liberal court: In order to
vindicate the right to be free from unreasonable
searches and seizures, the prisoner goes free.
How about punishing the misbehaving
policeman? How about docking his pay? Why
do random citizens have to be raped, robbed,
and murdered because of a policeman’s
misconduct? This would be like a rule intended
to reduce noise during an opera that mandated
shooting the soprano whenever anyone in the
audience coughed. Although, given the damage
the exclusionary rule does to society, it’s
more like shooting the audience if the soprano

“In a series of cases culminating in
Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Warren Court
completely wiped out criminal confessions.
Despite the myth of people constantly
confessing to crimes they didn’t commit - and
who among us hasn’t coped to a random murder
or armed robbery we didn’t commit during a
moment of weakness? - there are few better
methods of distinguishing the guilty from the
innocent than a confession. There are some
facts only the perpetrator could possibly know,
such as where the body is buried. But this tool
was taken away from the police, not because
of anything in the constitution but because
liberal justices believe confessions caused
our system of justice to “suffer morally. “ One
year after Miranda, New York County district
attorney Frank Hogan told the Senate Judiciary
Committee that confessions in his district
alone had fallen from 49 percent to 14 percent
SOLELY as a result of the Miranda decision.
Federal judge and former law professor Paul
Cassell has calculated that one decision alone,
Miranda, had led to the release of about 100,
000 VIOLENT criminals EACH year..”

Hollywood LIBERALs profited from the dramatic
increase in VIOLENCE unleashed on the
helpless public by the Warren court LIBERALS’
decisions in the late 60’s (1963 - 1969) by
producing vigilante movies beginning with
Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry(1971) and the
Death Wish(1974) movies starring Charles
Bronson. The dramatic increase in the release
of violent criminals resulted in an explosive
increase in violent crimes and a demand for
vigilante movies in response to the explosive
increase in violence across the U.S. thanks to
the LIBERAL Burger Supreme Court Justices.
Instead of hanging their heads in shame and
trying to make up for the needless suffering
and death inflicted on America by their policies,
liberals are proud of releasing violent criminals.

Judge David L. Bazelon, wrote that “punishment
is dehumanizing. “ Bazelon referred to society’s
“need to punish as a primitive urge based on
“vindictiveness” that was “highly irrational.”
The fact that there are criminals is our
“social failure,” and we are using the criminal
as our “scapegoat. “ Judge Bazelon’s
philosophy was not an aberration but evolved
into the restorative movement that is practiced
by liberal judges and taught at law schools
today. The National Judicial College,
advertised as the nation’s top judicial training
institute teaches a course on restorative
college. In fact, Judge Cashman taught the
course at the college. Judge Cashman is the
infamous judge who gave a SIXTY day
sentence to a man who - along with a friend -
repeatedly raped a 6 year old girl several times
a week for FOUR years. In other words,
America’s judges were LOONIER than the
criminals they were releasing.”

Ann dedicates two chapters of
Godless to detailing dozens of cases of
murderers, serials killers, and rapists given
parole by liberal judges only to - shockingly!!! -
continue their bloody handiwork where they left
off. Former presidential candidate, Michael
Dukakis, a committed practitioner of restorative
justice, let a murderer off on weekend furloughs
only to have him repeat his modus operandi of
sticking his victims many times with a knife.
This time a husband and wife were subjected to
non-stop torture for over twelve hours with the
husband receiving 16 stabs and hours of
beatings followed by the torture and rape of
his wife for approx six hours after she arrived

Then there was the sixteen year-old girl who
had her arms cut off above the elbow and left
to die in the California desert. She was found
alive and her attacker caught - and then freed
after fifteen years. He settled in Tampa and -
surprise - continued on with his killing spree.
This time, sadly for the judges and parole
boards, they were unable to free him again
and he died in jail. His young victim
is no longer young, lives ALONE, and finds the
most simple acts we take for granted, very
difficult. But, on the positive side, at
least she isn’t buried six foot under like the
buried victims of restorative justice and the
compassionate “feel good” liberals and
secular progressives. Only when the criminals
who are the beneficiary of liberals’, turn right
around and knife, beat, and torture liberals
like Dukakis and his family will any “empathy”
for victims enter the hearts of cowardly little
runts like Dukakis.

As a civil service engineer I was incensed at
Dukakis posing in a tank with his little midgets’
head poking out the turrent during a presidental
run when he had in fact refused to allow the
placement in Massachusetts of a critical
submarine low frequency communication
system vital for communication during a nuclear
crisis with the Soviet Union. Historically,
Democrats like Dukakis, have taken antagonistic
positions against the military.

George Soros has contributed over 500 million
dollars to political action groups which are
comprised of secular progressives whose bible
is: Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for
Global Dominance (The American Empire
Project) by Noam Chomsky, a glorified English
teacher, whose hatred of the United States and
our military is spewed throughout his book. He
advocates a dangerous slide into socialism
which would continue the ongoing degradation
of our culture by secular progressives’ as
illustrated by the popular Folsom State Fair
“lovefest” at

Ann, as well as Bill O’Reilly, are well aware of the
challenge facing them and the fact that they have
to overcome two generations - spanning fifty
years - of brainwashing by entrenched secular
progressives at all levels of our society:
junior high teachers, high school teachers,
colleges teachers, universities teachers, New
York Times, television, Hollywood, newspapers,
ACLU, Judiciary committee, Supreme Court
(although, finally, balanced thanks to
President Bush). Yet, not even a moment of
religious expression is allowed in our schools
to counter the incessant attacks on religion by
liberal teachers daily brainwashing of our
children. Equality of all religions, not
restriction of all religious expression from
public areas was our founding fathers’
wishes. So we’re left with secular progressives
and liberals entrenched in our public schools,
indoctrinating our children with their Marxist
poison while misusing the Supreme Court to
keep religion expression out of our schools.
So teachers are given free reign to spew their
religion bigotry to a captive audience of
children while parents have no recourse as
regularly exposed by the O’Reilly Factor. The
ultimate goal of the secular progressives being
a country modeled after Western Europe.
In spite of Chomsky’s “principled”
hatred of the U.S. government and the military,
he nevertheless has helped himself to large pay
checks from a university which historically has
long been one of the largest recipients of the
“evil” military’s R & D funds, including funds
received for research, development and
production of the most destructive weapons on
the planet (Little Boy & Fat Man) special
delivered to Japan.

Guess Chomsky won’t take a principled position
any time soon by terminating his association
with a tool of the military complex he
professes to despise and blames most of the the
world’s ills on. Apparently, liberals’
socialist philosophy of spreading the wealth by
taking property from “wealthy” Americans and
disbursing it to the less fortunate doesn’t
apply to people like Chomsky and socialist
George Soros. Soros (worth more than 7 Billion
dollars) is a hypocrite who avoids paying U. S.
taxes by sheltering his vast fortune in
offshore banks on the Dutch island of Curacao
while living in New York - thus effectively
burdening U.S. tax payers with paying soros’
hefty taxes. Considering that Soro’s high priced
attorneys have managed to keep him out of jail
after finally being caught and being found
guilty of insider training on questionable
financial dealings, it’s not surprising that he
avoids paying taxes like most U.S. citizens.

Secular Progressives believe that the United
States should model itself after Western
Europe. Googling liberal web sites and blogs
gives an insight into the extent of this great
love affair - as well as reading Bill O’Reilly’s
book “Culture Warrior.” Liberals and secular
progressives’ theoretical view of Western
Europe is a far cry from the real world. In
other words, secular progressives wish to take
the U.S. into a regressive decline that
European progressives(socialists) have taken
Western Europe.

Financial Times international editor Olaf
Gersemann blames French and European
unemployment on high minimum-wage
requirements and overly strict employment-
protection laws. Gersemann, who scathingly
criticized Western Europe in his book
“Cowboy Capitalism,” says these labor-
market regulations have created millions of
involuntary unemployed throughout Europe,
affecting immigrants in particular. He
writes, “Most French, German, and Italian
voters simply refuse to accept the
necessity of a Thatcher-Reagan style
economic revolution.” He notes that per
capita income in the U.S. now exceeds that
of France by close to 40 percent, with
Germany and Italy lagging even further behind.

Added to this, France’s top personal tax rate is
48 percent, with a VAT tax of nearly 20 percent.
So that means French laborers face a combined
68 percent tax rate on consumption and
investment. No wonder France has created less
than 3 million jobs over the past twenty years,
compared to 31 million in the United States.
Economic growth in “cowboy capitalist” America
has exceeded that of France’s worker paradise
by nearly 50 percent.

In a dramatic speech to the European
Parliament in 2006, British Prime Minister Tony
Blair hit the mark when he criticized European
nations economies for their inability to
compete on an acceptable global level. Asked
Blair, “What type of social model is it that
has 20 million unemployed in Europe?
Productivity rates falling behind those of the
USA? That, on any relative index of a modern
economy — skills, R&D, patents, information
technology — is going down, not up?”

In 2007, France’s failed socialist government
was voted out of office and replaced by
Sarkozy’s conservative party, who’s platform
vowed to institute capitalistic, market driven
economies. Ironically, the SOCIALIST health
system liberals and secular progressives point
to as the best in the world, acted as an
enormous drag on France’s socialist economy
and contributed to France’s poverty. French
socialists were soundly defeated by President
Sarkozy who promised to replace France’s
socialist economy by a market driven economy
similar to the United State’s. France’s socialist
economy has lost 400,000 technical workers
who moved to the U.S.

Financial Times international editor Olaf
Gersemann blames French and European
unemployment on high minimum-wage
requirements and overly strict employment-
protection laws. Gersemann, who scathingly
criticized Western Europe in his book
“Cowboy Capitalism,” says these labor-
market regulations have created millions of
involuntary unemployed throughout Europe,
affecting immigrants in particular. He
writes, “Most French, German, and Italian
voters simply refuse to accept the
necessity of a Thatcher-Reagan style
economic revolution.” He notes that per
capita income in the U.S. now exceeds that
of France by close to 40 percent, with
Germany and Italy lagging EVEN further

Europe and France’s 3rd rate economys have
fallen so far behind the U.S.’s that last year
France’s socialist party was beaten by the
conservative party led by a long time admirer
of the United States, Nicolas Sarkozy.
President Sarkozy’s conservative party
immediately began changing Frances
socialist economy to a market economy.
France’s socialist economy was massively
overtaxed and over-regulated. France’s public
government sector, for instance, accounts for
more than 50 percent of GDP. In other words,
private business in France is in the minority.
Drastic changes patterned after the U.S. free
market economy sent French socialists out
on the streets protesting such drastic
measures as doing away with a law mandating
a maximum workweek of 35 hours and
introducing a new law that allows the firing of
new employees in the first two years of
employment. Although President Sarkozy
has made significant progress in making the
painful changes, the socialists
(secular progressives) are scheming...

Below are excerpts from an article by Niall
Ferguson (Niall Ferguson, was selected as one
of the 100 Most influential Persons in the World
in the April, 2004 issue of Time magazine, and
is an economic/world historian) which describes
Europe as a decaying socialistic, Godless
countries sliding towards third world poverty.
Why America outpaces Europe (Clue:
The God Factor) Oxford, England — It was
almost a century ago that the German
sociologist Max Weber published his influential
essay “the protestant ethic and the spirit of
capitalism.” In it weber argued that modern
capitalism was “born from the spirit of Christian
asceticism” in its specifically protestant form — in
other words, there was a link between the self-
denying ethos of the protestant sects and the
behavior patterns associated with capitalism,
above all hard work ... (articles by Mr.
Ferguson are available on the internet).

U.S. voters should google President Sarkozy
and European business - or U.S. business -
sites and educate themselves as to the
poverty of compassionate socialist
(secular progressive) Europe that Democrats’
wish to model the U.S. after, starting with
socialized health care. With France repeatedly
pointed to by liberals as having the best medical
care in the world, voters need to ask why France
has the worst economy of all Europe (hint:
socialist economy( including socialized
medicine) and non-market economy.

Liberals pretended to be shocked and deeply
disturbed by Ann Coulter’s exposure of the
“Jersey four’s” in her book “Godless” and yet
ignored previous attacks of the “Jersey four”
by liberals. Far left liberal cartoonist Ted
Rall, for instance viciously attacked ALL the
9/11 widows as opposed to the FOUR that Ann
attacked. Rall drew several vicious posts -
9/11 cartoons that attacked all of the 9/11
widows. One cartoon in particular, the “Terror
Widows” cartoon, suggested the widows of men
murdered in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist
Attacks were motivated by greed. The five-
panel cartoon included phrases such as: “Of
course it’s a bummer that they slashed my
husband’s throat. But the worst was having to
watch the olympics alone!” “I keep waiting for
kevin to come home, but i know he never will.
Fortunately, the $32 million I collected from
the red cross keeps me warm at night. “ Panel
caption: Next up: Terror widow meets terror
widower! Woman: A prenup?! I got $18 million
from the airline security firm! Man: Yeah, but
I sued the airline itself – I scored $5 million.
So when your husband called you from the 104th
floor, he knew he was going to die? Oh, yes -
he was on fire! By the way, Larry, that’s a
bitchin” tie!

Dorothy Rabinowitz of The Wall Street Journal,
writing in the paper’s opinion journal, wrote of
the four that “all their fury and accusation is
aimed not at the killers who snuffed out their
husbands’ and so many other lives, but at the
American president, his administration, and an
ever wider assortment of targets including the
Air Force, the Port Authority, the city of New
York. “ “They had chosen to tell a different
story - that of four intrepid New Jersey
housewives as one news report had it,
brought an administration ‘to its knees’ - and
that was as far as they were concerned, the
only story ...” Rabinowitz wrote. As Coulter said,
“they have attacked Bush, they have attacked
Condoleeza Rice, they’re cutting campaign
commercials for Kerry. But we can’t respond
because their husbands died .. . I think it’s one
of the ugliest things the left had done to
political dialogue in this country - this idea that
you need some sort of personal authenticity
in order to make a politic point...” Rall takes
pleasure in showing up on talk shows following
particularly vicious cartoons.

Rall seems to compensate for his pale and
effeminate appearance, by affecting an air of
smug, “manly” arrogance when talking about his
vicious cartoons. Another example of a Rall
cartoon was one on Pat Tillman, whom his
comic described as an “idiot” and “sap” for
abandoning his NFL career to enlist in the
armed forces, and portrayed as an anti-Arab
bigot. Then on July 4, 2005, Ted Rall, in an
Op/Ed piece accused George W. Bush’s
chief political strategist Karl Rove of being
“more morally repugnant and more anti-
American” than 9/11 mastermind Osama bin

The woman instrumental in Clinton’s
impeachment is at it again. Having a reputation
as being America’s most vicious cartoonist,
Ted Rall became the latest victim of Ann
Coulter’s intellect, becoming unhinged by her
vicious broadside. During Ann’s speech at the
2006 Conservative Political Action Committee
meeting in Washington DC on February 10th,
Ann informed the crowd that “Iran is soliciting
cartoons on the Holocaust. So far, only Ted
Rall, Garry Trudeau, and The New York Times
have made submissions.” and then printed it in
her syndicated column the following week.
Syndicated at only about 105 newspapers, Roll
couldn’t afford to pay the legal fees to respond
to Ann’s “vicious lies.” Rall solicited
funds from readers and liberal bloggers. The
last entry on his site is as follows: Friday,
February 24, 2006 Ann Coulter Update I’m
starting to feel optimistic. As of this minute
pledges for the Rall v. Coulter slander and
libel lawsuit fund total $13,716.00. If
pledges keep coming in, especially some big
ones (though the vast majority of those so far
have been modest sums, so the little ones do
count for a lot) , we may have enough money to
move ahead with holding the right-wing attack
dog to account for her lies. A few weeks
following Rall’s final request for funds, Rall
wrote in his May 16, 2006 column that he “has
confirmation from his phone company that the
Bush administration has tapped his phone.” The
typical liberal’s response to Ann is visceral
hatred of Ann Coulter but in Rall’s case it
appears that he has a great paranoid fear of
Ann that has sent Rall over the edge and he
appears convinced that Ann has sicked the
“vast right wing conspiracy” after him.
Considering that they were both mugged by
Ann, maybe Rall should ask Bill Clinton for
financial assistance in suing Ann for his pain
and suffering. Two highly unpleasant liberals
down and, oh, so many to go! Rall needs
$75,000 to take Ann to court for slander and
libel of his good name. Granted, Roll is
unquestionably the most despicable
cartoonist living but this is a rare opportunity
for liberals and secular progressives to
bring down evil Ann for a few bucks! Rall is
still waiting for secular progressives and
liberals to come together to open their
wallets and hearts to bring DOWN the
vicious, slanderous, vile, and dispicable
Ann Coulter.

Ann devoted two chapters to detailing dozens
of cases of murderers, serials killers, and
rapists given parole by liberal judges only to -
shockingly!!! - continue their bloody handiwork
where they left off. Former presidential
candidate, Michael Dukakis, a committed
practioner of restorative justice, let a murderer
off on weekend furloughs only to have him
repeat his modus operanda of sticking his
previous two victims dozens of times with a
knife. Only this time a husband and wife were
subjected to non-stop torture for over TWELVE
hours with the husband receiving 16 stabs and
hours of beatings followed by the torture and
rape of his wife for approx SIX hours after she
arrived home.

Then there was the sixteen
year-old-girl who had her arms cut off above
the elbow and left to die in the California desert.
She was found alive and her attacker caught -
and then freed after fifteen years. He settled in
Tampa and - surprise - continued on with his
killing spree. This time, sadly for the judges
and parole boards, they were unable to free
him again and he died - in jail. His
young victim is no longer young, lives alone,
and finds the most simple acts we take for
granted, very difficult to do. But, on the positive
side, at least she isn’t buried six foot under like
the other victims of liberal judges and their
compassionate practice of restorative justice.

Only IF AND WHEN criminals, who are the
beneficiary of liberals’ like Dukakis’, find
their way to the homes of Dukakis and
restorative judges and stick them
and their wives and children a dozen or so
times will “empathy” for victims enter the hearts
of runts like Dukakis. As an engineer working
for the Navy, I was incensed at the midget
posing in a tank when he had in fact refused to
allow a critical submarine tracking system vital
for communication with our nuclear submarines
that serve as the third and most vital leg of
nuclear deterence against a nuclear attack by
the Soviet Union. Liberals like Dukakis
historically been antagonist toward the military.

George Soros has contributed over
500 million dollars to political action groups
which are comprised of secular progressives
whose BIBLE is: Hegemony or Survival: America’s
Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire
Project) by Noam Chomsky, a glorified English
teacher, whose hatred of the United States and
our military is spewed throughout his book. The
sole positive statement about the U. S. that
Chomsky writes is that had he written his book
in most other countries, he would have payed a
severe price. He advocates a dangerous slide
into socialism which would complete the ongoing
degradation of the sewer which our violent,
corrupt culture has become.

Apparently, liberals’ socialist philosophy of
spreading the wealth by taking property from
“wealthy” Americans and disbursing it to the
less fortunate doesn’t apply to people like
Chomsky and socialist George Soros. Soros
(worth more than 7 Billion dollars) is a
hippocrite who avoids paying U. S. taxes by
sheltering his vast fortune in offshore banks
on the Dutch island of Curacao while living in
New York - thus effectively burdoning U.S. tax
payers with paying soros’ hefty taxes. Come on,
Soros, give the over burdened U. S. tax payers
a break and pay your taxes instead of burdening
the poor with paying your taxes. Considering
that Soro’s high priced attorneys have managed
to keep him out of jail after finally being
caught and being found guilty of insider
training (look for George’s next book: How to
become a billionaire using insider trading &
ruthless currency trading w/o paying 100’s of
millions in U.S. taxes each year) on
questionable financial dealings, it’s not
surprising that he avoids paying taxes like
most U.S. citizens.

Ann, as well as Bill O’Reilly, are well aware of the
challenge facing them and the fact that they have to
overcome two generations - spanning fifty years
- of brainwashing by entrenched Secular
Progressives and liberals at all levels of our
society: junior high teachers, high school teachers,
colleges teachers, universities teachers, New
York Times, television, Hollywood, newspapers,
ACLU, Judiciary committee, Supreme Court
(although, finally, balanced thanks to
President Bush). Yet even a whisper of faith
in the schools to counter the incessant
poisoning of our children’s brain by secular
progressive teachers is labeled as act of
religious brain washing. Equality of all
religion not eradication of any religious
expression or symbols was our founding
fathers in our public institutions of religion was
our father’s wishes. So we’re left with secular
progressives and liberals entrenched in our
schools indoctrinating our children with their
Marxist poison as Bill O’Reilly regularly
exposes on the O’Reilly Factor.

The ultimate goal of the secular progressives
being a country modeled after secular
progressive Western Europe. In spite of
Chomsky’s “principled” hatred of the U.S.
government and the military, he nevertheless
has helped himself to large pay checks from
a university which historically has long been
one of the largest recipients of the evil
military’s R & D funds, including funds
received for research, development and
production of the most destructive weapons
on the planet (Little Boy & Fat Man) special
delivered to Japan. Guess Chomsky won’t
take a principled position any time soon by
terminating his financial association with a
tool of the military complex he professes to
despise and blames most of the the world’s
ills on.

Western Europe is spoken of and looked
to by secular progressives as the
society we should model the U.S. after.
Googling liberal web sites and blogs gives an
insight into the extent of this great love
affair - as will reading Bill O’Reilly’s book
“Culture Warrior.” Excellent European
sites for European business news are,, and Liberals and secular
progressives’ theoretical view of Western
Europe has little resemblence to the REAL
world. In other words, secular progressives wish
to take the U.S. into a socialistic decline that
European nations such as France and Germany
have abandoned for market driven economies.
Europe. In other words secular progressives
would be more accurate - and honest - in
calling themselves secular regressives. Below
are excerpts from an article by Niall Ferguson
which describes Europe as decaying socialistic,
Godless countries sliding towards third world
poverty. (Niall Ferguson, was selected as one
of the 100 Most influential Persons in the
World in the April, 2004 issue of Time magazine,
and is an economic/world historian.)

Why America outpaces Europe
(Clue: The God Factor) Oxford, England — It was
almost a century ago that the German sociologist
Max Weber published his influential essay “the
protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism.” In it,
weber argued that modern capitalism was “born
from the spirit of Christian asceticism” in its
specifically protestant form — in other words,
there was a link between the self- denying
ethos of the protestant sects and the behavior
patterns associated with capitalism, above all
hard work ... (Newspaper articles by Mr.
Ferguson are available on the internet).

Before buying the socialist nonsense
being pedaled by pimp Billery who covered
and enabled up her husband’s fornication of
dozens of women in Arkansas so that she could
continue hanging onto Bill’s coatails ,
familiarize yourself with Europe’s plight - and
the socialist direction Democrats dream of.

Liberals pretended to be shocked and deeply
disturbed by Ann Coulter’s exposure of the
“Jersey four’s” in her book “Godless” and yet
ignored previous attacks of the “Jersey four”
by liberals. Far left liberal cartoonist Ted
Rall, for instance viciously attacked all the
9/11 widows as opposed to the four that Ann
attacked. Rall drew several vicious posts -
9/11 cartoons that attacked all of the 9/11
widows. One cartoon in particular, the “Terror
Widows” cartoon, suggested the widows of men
murdered in the September 11, 2001 Terrorist
Attacks were motivated by greed. The five-
panel cartoon included phrases such as: “Of
course it’s a bummer that they slashed my
husband’s throat. But the worst was having to
watch the olympics alone!” “I keep waiting for
kevin to come home, but i know he never will.
Fortunately, the $32 million I collected from
the red cross keeps me warm at night. “ Panel
caption: Next up: Terror widow meets terror
widower! Woman: A prenup?! I got $18 million
from the airline security firm! Man: Yeah, but
I sued the airline itself – I scored $5 million.
So when your husband called you from the
104th floor, he knew he was going to die?
Oh, yes - he was on fire! By the way, Larry,
that’s a bitchin” tie!

Dorothy Rabinowitz of The Wall Street
Journal, writing in the paper’s opinion
journal, wrote of the four that “all their fury
and accusation is aimed not at the killers who
snuffed out their husbands’ and so many other
lives, but at the American president , his
administration, and an ever wider assortment of
targets including the Air Force, the Port
Authority, the city of New York. “ “They had
chosen to tell a different story - that of four
intrepid New Jersey housewives as one news
report had it, brought an administration ‘to
its knees’ - and that was as far as they were
concerned , the only story . .. “ Rabinowitz
wrote. As Coulter said, “they have attacked
Bush, they have attacked Condoleezza Rice,
they’re cutting campaign commercials for Kerry.
But we can’t respond because their husbands
died .. . I think it’s one of the ugliest
things the left had done to political dialogue
in this country - this idea that you need some
sort of personal authenticity in order to make
a political point ...”

Rall takes pleasure in showing up on talk shows
following particularly vicious cartoons. Rall
seems to compensate for his pale and
effeminate appearance, by affecting an air of
smug, “manly” arrogance in talking about his
vicious cartoons. Another example of a Rall
cartoon was one on Pat Tillman, whom his
comic described as an “idiot” and “sap” for
abandoning his NFL career to enlist in the
armed forces, and portrayed as an
anti-Arab bigot. Then on July 4, 2005, Ted
Rall, in an Op/Ed piece accused George W.
Bush’s chief political strategist Karl Rove of
being “more morally repugnant and more anti-
American” than 9/11 mastermind Osama bin

The woman instrumental in Clinton’s
impeachment is at it again. Having a reputation
as being America’s most vicious cartoonist,
Ted Rall became the latest victim of Ann
Coulter’s intellect, becoming unhinged by her
vicious broadside. During Ann’s speech at the
2006 Conservative Political Action Committee
meeting in Washington DC on February 10th,
Ann informed the crowd that “Iran is soliciting
cartoons on the Holocaust. So far, only Ted Rall,
Garry Trudeau, and The New York Times have
made submissions. “ and then printed it in her
syndicated column the following week.
Syndicated at only about 105 newspapers, Roll
couldn’t afford to pay the legal fees to
respond to Ann’s “vicious lies.” Rall solicited
funds from readers and left wing bloggers. The
last entry on his site is as follows: Friday,
February 24, 2006 Ann Coulter Update I’m
starting to feel optimistic. As of this minute
pledges for the Rall v. Coulter slander and
libel lawsuit fund total $13,716.00. If
pledges keep coming in, especially some big
ones (though the vast majority of those so far
have been modest sums, so the little ones do
count for a lot) , we may have enough money to
move ahead with holding the right-wing attack
dog to account for her lies.

A few weeks following Rall’s final request for
funds, Rall wrote in his May 16, 2006 column
that he “has confirmation from his phone
company that the Bush administration has
tapped his phone.” The typical liberal’s
response to Ann is visceral hatred of Ann
Coulter but in Rall’s case it appears that he
has a great fear of Ann that has sent Rall over
the edge and he appears convinced that Ann
has sicked the “vast right wing conspiracy”
after him. Considering that they were both
mugged by Ann, maybe Rall should ask Bill
Clinton for financial assistance in
suing Ann for his pain and suffering. Two
highly unpleasant liberals down and, oh, so
many to go! Rall needs $75,000 to take Ann to
court for slander and libel of his good name.
Granted, Roll is unquestionably the most
despicable cartoonist living but, come on, this
is a rare opportunity for liberals and secular
progressives to bring down evil Ann for a few
bucks! Come on, mail the guy a few bucks - p-l-

P.S. For a glimpse into the hopes,
brains, and dreams of liberals - and the
direction they are taking our country’s culture -
click on over to

48 posted on 03/15/2008 8:29:17 AM PDT by hoopsnow
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To: hoopsnow; smoothsailing
Right now, Ann’s dad is probably looking down with his arms around Joe McCarthy and Ronald Reagan proudly saying: “Ain’t she Something.”

Ann with her two brothers.


50 posted on 03/15/2008 10:10:06 AM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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