This will hurt even more than his terrorist “pastor”.
Read #14
This is soft serve vanilla" compared to 20 years relationship with Rev. Wright and Trinity, Rev Farrakhan, Rezko trial, even Mrs. O on her "slip up" "now proud to be an American" statement.
There is absolutely nothing in this "earmark" story, with links to the sources for clarification, that is any different than what any other of our beloved chosen legislators have done from and for our own states.
Today, I got an e-mail on Social Security for Illegals. So I check the source through Snopes. What had escaped my mind over all this Gottcha Politics of Obama scandals was McCain voting Yea for social security for Illegals.
Now, what we have here after the dust has cleared from a rush to choose delegates and push fast and furious through the caucuses are people after the fact, bailing ship away from Obama, Mrs. C now seen as their option; but that's not a happy path of progress either. Conservatives are not happy to be represented by McCain (illegal immigration), but told they should be by the Powers of Politics including our own President. Everyone (I should underscore it several times) I talk to, can't find a reason to be satisfied with any candidate. Democrats are turning to McCain. Republicans are considering crossing over... So what are we to do?
Obama, Clinton, McCain & Nader?
However, there is ignorance or just plain stupidity of subjects on both sides. I wish there was not as much on ours. I think that even frustrates me more!