A good team can pull off even the most daunting task - seemingly with ease. What is not necessarily understood by some observers is exactly what teamWork really means.
Years ago, I was part of a support team for engineering staff. Each month we'd all toil together barely making deadlines. At the end of each month we'd explain to management how much we needed to hire another person. Yet no one was hired.
We mistakenly thought, if they saw our hard work, all the overtime and missed lunches (all our good teamwork), the powers that be would see and think "those poor dears, let us hire them help" LOL!
After more months than I can remember, our division manager asked just why he should hire us extra help, we were, after all, getting the work done!
Lesson learned.
You're preaching to the choir, my friend!
A month ago, when I once agains attempted to explain to the Admiistrator that we needed more people to step up to the plate and help out in the kitchen because it was costing me and my husband too much in gas to get there everyweek, his solution was to give us gas money.
They're going to be in for a rude awakning on the Wednesday our daughter gets tested for her next belt at Karate school. We can do the cooking on Wednesday because a friend of hers is also in the class and so in the mom who is wiling to do the driving.
But guess what? My civic duty will always take a back seat when it comes to our daughter.