are you friggin kidding me??? I get the slobby part but short haired??? as if many many many women with short hair aren’t sexy as hell!
Based on your screen name, I am assuming you are a woman. From a man's viewpoint, long hair is much, much sexier. Your girlfriends who say a short haircut "looks cute" are lying; and what motive does a gay hair stylist have in making a woman look beautiful and sexy?
Think I am wrong? Go ask some of your male friends what they think.
Short hair belongs on young boys, soldiers, and fashion models. Anyone else should have whatever length of hair they want.
ALL women are far more beautiful with long hair. The longer, the better.
Some men look better with long hair, too. My hair is just a bit past between the shoulder blades. It hides several of my less nice features. Pity I have to harvest soon, but it’s time...
“I get the slobby part but short haired??? as if many many many women with short hair arent sexy as hell!”
The vast majority of short haired women look dykish and decidedly un womanly.
They look like they waddled into the super cuts put a bowl over their heads and chopped it all off.... No style no sculpting...
Looks terrible.
There are a few short haired women like a very womanly swimmer and gymnast I dated that look good w short hair, but most do not.
Ladies take note...long hair is a very feminine and womanly asset and is worth the effort.