Try it, a woman who has to spend less time and energy on cleaning, doing laundry, taking care of the kids, may have the time and energy to spend it on her husband. She won’t be resenting the fact that she has to do it all while the hubby sits in front of the computer discussing politics with strangers.
What is with the attitude some have here that the women owe them? No wonder there are so many divorced couples out there.
I've found that the same women that resent their husband not grabbing a vacuum the minute he gets home from work, never seem to pick up a plunger, a mouse trap, a snow shovel, a paint brush, a lawn mower, a shovel, or a wrench.
This woman took this step after reading The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.
She also realized that starting the day off with an orgasm wasn't all that bad.
When a baisically good man knows his sexual needs are going to be metm he is happier, works harder, listens more, etc; and he has a happier wife. It's good advice.
LOL, it ain’t worked in 33 years!