LEAVE the State.
I’m not there, but if I were, I’d organize and fight. Enough is enough.
I'd like to see enough Constituionalist Conservatives emigrate from other states into California so that control of the government could be fully wrested from the socialists.
Immediately thereafter, every socialist law on the books could be canceled. The income tax could be eliminated. All services for illegals could be eliminated. Penalties for hiring illegals could be created and enforced. The entire Bill of Rights could be reinforced. Anti-growth and anti-business policies could be eliminated. Freeway funds could be spent on freeways. Car pool lanes could be eliminated. Government schools could be reformed or eliminated. Nuclear power plants could be built. Oil could be pumped. Trees could be cut. Mines could be mined. We could tell Washington to piss off whenever necessary. Etc.
Within twenty years, we would be the most prosperous and attractive state in the world.