possibility that there are different methods of believing in Christ.
Please give scriptures?
Scriptures saying that it is not ruled out, you mean?
I’m not really interested in getting in a big discussion about this, because it is a complicated subject. But have you ever noticed how the Bible is never quite as unambiguous as we, with our human failings, would like it to be? This is one good example. The Bible, for instance, ususally does not refer to “the afterlife”, but rather to “eternal life” or “cometh onto the father”. It was well known in antiquity that eternity is not simply temporal in nature. So “eternal life” may mean temporal eternity after death, but it could also mean a current life in contemplation of, or in contact with, eternity understood as God’s realm outside space and time. Same with “cometh onto the father.” Likewise, it is not entirely unambiguous what is meant by Christ being “the way, the truth and the light”. Notice that it does not unambiguously say that you must believe without doubt that Jesus the historical human being literally and physically was the literal son of God, died on a cross, was resurrected bodily and ascended bodily, in order to pursue the Way.