To me, the $64 question is whether Obama is an under-cover Muslim.
There are quite a number of things that persuade me that way. His Kenya relatives, including his violent cousin Odinga, are Muslims, and they greeted him warmly and dressed him in Muslim costume. In return, Obama gave his political support to Odinga.
His pastor in Chicago modeled his racist church after the Black Muslims, and is a pal of Louis Farrakhan, as is Obama. This church is black-supremacist, pro-abortion, and admits Muslims as members without asking them to convert or be baptized.
Obama was born a Muslim, raised as a Muslim, and registered as a Muslim in his Indonesian madrassah, where he studied the Koran and went to the local mosque.
Perhaps most disturbing, Obama now denies (as recently as a day or two ago) that he was EVER a Muslim. This is a flat out lie.
And so far the press has been willing to accept this obvious lie without further question.
People are downplaying this on both sides, but I think it’s important. Another detail for you - his (former - he just retired) pastor Jeremiah Wright interestingly has an undergraduate degree in Islamic studies.