The Fairness Doctrine was retired decades ago. I do believe, like everyone else here, that Hillary has no scruples. There is no depth to which she won’t sink. But, even as President, she can’t control Congress - sway it, yes, control it, no. I don’t ascribe magic powers to the hildebeest. She will not be able to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. Rush is immune from her.
By the way, I don’t think there are too many Arabic speakers here. Your calling a fellow poster ‘ayr’ and referring to Rush as ‘zib’ is offensive to the few of us who do speak Arabic, and doesn’t effectively insult those that you try to. A little respect, allah y’khaleek.
A question again, then, of your understanding of Rush’s motives: He wants Hillary to be President in the vain hope that she won’t shut him down? Would that be because he fears that McCain might shut him down? Is that the larger picture?
You see, I’m trying ;-) but failing miserably to understand you.