(I wont even mention his penchant for dangerous prisoner release)
I won't try to explain that to you, but, I would ahve done the same thing, released the same prisoners. The vast majority were prisoners that the wardens and others assured the Gov, that they were no threat to anyone. Prisoner cost is bankrupting states, with 1& of the adult population in prisons, the cost is horrendous.
That makes him a globalist and a socialist all in one swell foop(spoonerism a-purpose....I like the way it sounds..)
I think I need you todefine 'global socialist'. I would be most interested in reading your definition of socialist.
and finally he is unelectable at this time..... to be a prophet, you msut be right 100% of the time, before I take this prediction as accurate, could you give me your track record, say list your other prohecies and their date of fullfilment?
well then enjoy your fundamentalist Kool-aid