This is going to sound so ... judgmental. But it is clear whom is Barry’s behind the scenes source of charisma when you realize whom it is that wants the slaughter of alive unborn babies to continue unabated. That same source of charisma impelled the sinkEmperor to his popularity. And what is even more sad is what that says about American voters! Many of whm claim to be good Catholics, good Christians, yet they support the servants of evil who defend and protect this evil in our world! {/judgmental rant}
but he’s a christian right? that what he says
This Obama character is not prepared to be a man.
Obamintation is one evil bastard without a doubt. I was talking to my inlaws they other day, who are enamored with the bastard. I told them when it comes down to it, I as a Christian CANNOT ever vote for a person who supports abortion in any way shape or form. That shut them up. They are both good lutherans, not of the liberal variety.
Obama also said in the debate the other night that he regrets having supported the federal legislation to save Terry Shiavo’s life. So he supports abortion unconditionally, infanticide, and allowing the life of an innocent disabled American women to be taken. Not alot of “hope” for those who can’t defend themselves eh Barrack?
McCain should nail Obama’s butt to the wall on the abortion issue. You know that Obama will try to paint McCain as anti-choice, anti-female etc. Maybe McCain should be prepared to expose Obama on the racist roots of Barrack’s beloved Planned Parenthood. He should have his stats ready on the abortion rates in black and minority communities.
2/27/08 “Planned Parenthood:wanting fewer blacks ‘understandable’. Abortion provider says ‘yes’ when ‘donor’ wants to reduce minorities”
“The Negro Project”
Margaret Sanger’s eugenic plan for Black America”
This guy is dangerous. Doesn’t he realize Planned Parenthood is the baby of a woman who hated blacks and wanted to get rid of minorities????