Me who push an old women from being hit by a bus and men who push old women in front of a bus, should not be grouped together as men who push old women. Or words to that effect.
Thinking about Mr. Buckley's death on my way home last night, it struck me that now the three pillars of modern day conservatism are now dead - Buckley, Goldwater, and Reagan. It also struck me that at this time, while conservative Republicans and Rockefeller Republicans are squabbling, while we lament someone like McCain representing the Republican party, that the passing of Mr. Buckley somewhat shakes the morale of conservatives.
There are some people who may disagree but I believe people like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, for all their bombast, are deep thinkers. While they make a comfortable living doing what they do, they do what they do for more than the money. The fact that they make money promoting conservative principles, indicates to me that the nation is hungry for these principle.
Rest in peace, Mr. Buckley. There are good men on this planet picking up your flag right now, marching forward and advancing the principles of liberty, freedom, and conservatism.
However bombastic Rush sounds, he reads a lot of political literature. He is one of the best educators of conservatism out there. Maybe the best. I wish more conservative talk show hosts would educate as well as bray.