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To: Grut

“The interesting thing is, Rather may be right. “

thanks for making a well-written point that I was thinking but couldn’t articulate well. He may very well be right, as I suspect the degree of network/media collusion with numerous governments (including ours) would boggle the mind of all but the most cynical freepers.

77 posted on 02/27/2008 11:07:03 AM PST by WoofDog123
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To: WoofDog123; doug from upland

We don’t have a government run media but we have the next closest thing, a media marketplace that regularly colludes with the Democrat party on stories.

The media is the house organ of the DNC’s daily talking points.

The media should not be sponsoring ALL of the debates that we are seeing, they’ve got a side.

The debates should’ve been non-partisan. Mix it up more. Ask EVERY candidate the same question, go ahead and put the Democrats and Republicans on the same stage (or in separate studios). Put a mix of known conservatives as well as known liberals on the panel. NO “public” questions, the PACs had infiltrated them.

If it was ‘fair’ for liberal activists and Democrat staffers to ask questions as the GOP primary debates then it would’ve been just as fair for Doug From Upland to likewise grill the Democrats.

I don’t need to see the candidates giving me “spontaneous” prerehearsed statements, put them in separate studios to answer questions the way game show contestants do. “Isolation” booths. I don’t care. I want to compare the answers the candidates give, I don’t want to hear candidate C tearing apart candidate A’s answer. Give me your OWN independent answer. Comment on the OTHER candidates answers AFTER the debate.

I realize this is a “survey” format and not a debate but these aren’t debates EITHER. They are short format interviews where the candidates are permitted time to comment on one candidate’s answer.

91 posted on 02/27/2008 1:54:58 PM PST by weegee (Those who surrender personal liberty to lower global temperatures will receive neither.)
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