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To: Nahanni
..he is simply unelectable-more unelectable then Hillary

What are you basing that assertion on? The fact that his supporters show no enthusiasm? The fact that the press hates him? The fact that his base isn't in tact? The fact that the country is sick of him after 8 years of his spouse in the Whitehouse? The fact that he's a nasty old hag that looks worse every day? The fact that he can't captivate air-headed young voters with meaningless platitudes?

41 posted on 02/26/2008 7:44:53 PM PST by Minn (Here is a realistic picture of the prophet: ----> ([: {()
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To: Minn

Hillary may have baggage. Obama has steamer trunks.

All it would take to take him out of the race is one, perhaps two, well placed ad campaigns in late September. It won’t make a bit of difference how much lipstick Oprah, her Hollywierd friends and the MSM try to slather on him. The powers that be in the Democratic party understand this and THAT is why they would go with Hillary in a hung convention. You have a united Democratic party coming out of the convention you will have a radical Democrat as a President along with a Democrat controlled House and Senate and a supreme court filled with Ruth Bader Ginzburgs who will push the radical lefts agenda through the use of the supreme court to overturn any laws created by the will of the people. Ask yourself if that will be good for the country and ask yourself if that will be good for you and your family. Ask yourself if you really want that. That is the choice you face.

It is about time that alot of people start seeing the big picture here and act accordingly. If you can’t I don’t want to hear you whinging about it when you do end up with Hillary or Hussein and president with the Nancy and Harry show in the legislatve branch.

71 posted on 02/26/2008 10:40:52 PM PST by Nahanni
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