“Im all for them destroying each other during the primary.”
She needs to do a better job derailing his wagon.
Agreed. The remaining Dem candidates seem to be destined to do each other in. Couldn't happen to two nicer people!! And McCain, even with the backing he has gathered, just is not evoking solid confidence from the GOP voters or gathering any swing votes. Sometimes I wish Edwards had remained in the contest. Truly, many Dems I have talked to would have preferred him over Hillary or Obama. And, maybe, even with all his baggage, he would have been better and easier to beat. But he got swept out because of a "haircut" issue that the media pounced on. The media played right into the hands of the Democrat strategists and engaged in the hype to squelch Edwards and up this drama between a woman and a black man. I believe the Democrat leadership is just where it wants to be with the two remaining candidates so one way or another they gather the majority of female, young, and/or black votes no matter which becomes the final candidate, because McCain just won't reach those voters. What a revolting development this campaign has turned out to be.
So, what happens now? Well, surprise...NOT...the Green candidate, Nader, the "spoiler," as the Dems have called him, has stepped up to the plate. Third party/Independent/eco-crazy/anti-big business voters just might upset the applecart again and could even end up putting that guy in the White House.
For this election we are left with a bunch of socialist leaning candidates - a Green one, a Black one, a Woman/lesbian (?) and an angry old man. I say again, what a revolting development this has turned out to be!