—So, how will raising tariffs and barriers to trade fix those problems?—
This will compel the United States to manufacture items it was formerly purchasing overseas. This will have 2 beneficial effects:
1. It will help reestablish our dying manufacturing base, thus recreating well-paying jobs for people lacking higher education.
2. If we produce these items ourselves, we will be less prone to price fluctuations for them on the world market.
Making gym shoes here will create well paying jobs here? How many?
2. If we produce these items ourselves, we will be less prone to price fluctuations for them on the world market.
Yeah, if you pay twice as much to make an item here, it is less likely we'll be hurt by price fluctuations. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.
What about oil? We import about 60% of our daily usage. Do we need to raise tariffs on imported oil? Would that create more high paying jobs here?
We don't need to do this. Economies bounce back from job loss.