If it wasn’t huge and didn’t weigh a full pound, then there’s no reason for him to not be able to wear it. An inch and a half by an inch or so is perfectly fine.
I think a picture of said crucifix is in order.
It was a very small humble silver crucifix and the beads (plastic pale blue) of the necklace reminded me of the ones used in making Rosaries at St. Kolbe teen camp or catechism class.
Very simple.
Guessing from the tv news story I would say no bigger than an inch on the size of the Crucifix.
His mom was very old as in perhaps (just guessing) he was the youngest of many.
He was just about the age for going to Catechism classes for Holy Confirmation.
His Mom was right their confirming it was a gift from her to him.
Well when you start classifying these object by size it goes into the realm of, for example:
— you cannot carry or pack in your carry on luggage anything firearm related, even a replica of any size firearm whether it is operable or not, including toys...
Remember the absolute stupidity of the “keychain” replicas??
So if you start trying to classify objects based upon their size, for how much they may or may not offend or break any rules...
That is a slippery slop best avoided...
I think the entire incident is indicative of the downturn in common sense this country is heading in at full steam!
I would tell my kid to continue to wear it, and if the principal told him to remove it, that would be their own undoing...
Here is a link to the local newspaper. Picture for all to see!