I saw the one kid and his Mom interview and they seemed sincere in his reason being just because his Catholic faith.
The Principle was dodging the news team and was a real arrogant jerk.
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To: Salvation
Catholic Ping in Oregon.
Have you heard about this?
2 posted on
02/25/2008 12:11:29 AM PST by
(Election 2008 like playin Shoots and Ladders (ages 5 and up))
To: Global2010
If I wore a small crucifix that just happened to be outside a shirt, be it I was running, jumping or whatever, that guy saw it and told me to take it off or leave, I’d let out a string of profanities before leaving.
3 posted on
02/25/2008 12:11:58 AM PST by
(This is my BOOMSTICK)
To: Global2010
I think it was this gang.
To: Global2010
The rule forbidding crucifixes needs to be challenged in court. I am sure a lawyer could build a case which attacks the premise of such a regulation. For example, what happens if gangs start wearing the auto emblems. Let’s see: Dodge, Ford, Chevy, Cadillac, Toyota—all would have to be removed from the automobiles before they could enter the school campuses. This is the logic upon which this regulation is based.
Once it is established that the crucifix regulation is flawed in logic, it is easy to make the next step: monetary damages.
7 posted on
02/25/2008 12:27:44 AM PST by
To: Global2010
But South Albany High School Principal Chris Equinoa is clear about the school district's position. He says religious items are not banned. But he reserves the right to ask a student to remove, or cover up, any item he feels could indicate gang affiliation - even a crucifix.Sorry, but I find that reasonable. Tuck the necklace inside your shirt or put it in your pocket. Unless there's a pattern of some specific discrimination, I'm fine with principals governing what students wear.
I think the inevitable direction of all of this is going to be school uniforms. Not school-issued uniforms, but guidelines -- pants or skirts at least to the knee, shirts buttoned at least to the collarbone, no visible jewelry aside from simple stud earrings and wristwatches. No shirts or jackets with any message other than the school logo.
To: Global2010
I wonder if the kid’s poor attitude has something to do with it that he admitted to. Also, I wonder if I could get away with wearing a crucifix over my uniform in the military? People need to play by the rules of the place they accepted going to school and work. It is not all about what an individual wants to do. I went to catholic school and never had an issue with this. We could wear it all day everyday. This kid might want to consider asking his parents to send them to a Catholic school if his faith is that important. Parents should be willing to shell out the bucks like my parents were.
To: Global2010
they should have worn a Buddy Christ necklace...
they would have been applauded
c’mon, am I the only Freeper to see Dogma?
13 posted on
02/25/2008 12:40:05 AM PST by
(The Republic--Shall be reorganized into the first American EMPIRE, for a safe and secure Society!)
To: ImaTexan
15 posted on
02/25/2008 12:42:16 AM PST by
(Don't Sweat the Small Stuff)
To: Global2010
Considering how low society has been slipping, the High School Principal should be happy the kid was walking around with a cross instead of crack pipe and stolen pistol.
In this case it seems the principal is the product of the troubled society, unable to curb his anti-christian bias by the strict application of a rule against gangs in regards to a child wearing a cross.
Disgusting but not shocking.
20 posted on
02/25/2008 1:12:21 AM PST by
(Mike Huckabee: ‘I Majored In Miracles’)
To: Global2010
Sounds to me this principal is acting on his own.
We’re not talking about a ball caps, t-shirts, jewelry down to his knees or any other types of what could be called a display of gang uniforms of the day.
This is but a small, crucifix hanging on the kid’s neck.
What a load of BS.
22 posted on
02/25/2008 1:21:27 AM PST by
(Benedict Arnold was against the Terrorist Surveillance Program)
To: Global2010
the kid should have worn a hammer & sickle or a crescent moon.....he would have then been hailed as a hero and made the honor roll....
To: Global2010; All
The Latin Kings been wearing Gold (or yellow) with black crucifixes for years made of beads. In a sense, I can understand the principals concern about displaying (certain colors) items. I read other stories in regards to this incident and found out one of the kids admitted he don't wear the crucifix every day. Local police and surrounding towns and departments have confirmed colored beaded jewelery and crucifixes have been used as a symbol to show affiliation with gangs. It's a sad state, but for kids to wear certain "colors" in specific areas could lead to beatings and killings for nothing more than being there and not being familiar with the threat. With the current anti Catholic atmosphere I can understand the story as being just another example.......but again I not knowing the extent of gang related activity in the area don't know. It's just like I said...it's a sad state of the times. Just a point of view....
26 posted on
02/25/2008 2:32:51 AM PST by
(USAF.68-73..8th TFW Ubon Thailand..never store a threat you should have eliminated))
To: Global2010
In other words, only Christian religious symbols are banned.
To: Global2010
A crucifix? That’s pretty lame. Someone needs to hound this administrator until he fesses up to the real reasons for the suspensions.
The simple fact is if the crucifix IS being used as gang-related paraphernalia, then the gang members will have much more to fear than school administrators. And, if the crucifix is being displayed for right and proper reasons, then this administrator needs to be dismissed from employment.
37 posted on
02/25/2008 5:21:22 AM PST by
(RKBA; a matter of fact, not opinion)
To: Global2010
I’d say , Have the Principal prove his accusation or get the hell out of the school.
39 posted on
02/25/2008 5:25:30 AM PST by
To: wintertime
41 posted on
02/25/2008 5:39:52 AM PST by
(Good ideas win! Why? Because people are not stupid.)
To: Global2010
A pair of Albany teenagers were suspended from high school for a few days recently because they were wearing crucifixes that school officials called "gang-related behavior." I'd say this qualifies as slander.
42 posted on
02/25/2008 5:43:21 AM PST by
(If you took an oath to support & defend the U.S. Constitution, can you vote for its domestic enemy?)
To: Global2010
A few years ago Crucifixes were the rage among drug dealers and pimps, or mostly among those who wanted to look like drug dealers and pimps in, at least, Atlanta, but the crucifixes in question were huge and garish.
43 posted on
02/25/2008 5:43:35 AM PST by
To: Global2010
If they were English schoolboys they would have been expelled and thrown in jail for “inciting racial hatred” for daring to ackowledge their faith and thereby offending other faiths.
To: Global2010
OMG!! Crucifixes are NOT gang related!! What is the Principal
s name? I want to contact him.
56 posted on
02/25/2008 7:06:02 AM PST by
Ann Archy
(Abortion.....The Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
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