Is this Russ Limbaugh’s Mr. Snerdley, or are there two people with the same name who are equally intelligence on politics?
Yes, that is the Limbaugh Bo Snerdley, aka James Golden.
Here’s what he said about Oprahbama:
“This is Bo Snerdley, African-American in good standing and certified black enough to criticize Obama guy. Mr. Obama, the claims you raise are quite serious. The allegations are so incredulous, that, quite frankly, they are difficult to believe, and I want to believe. I want to hope for change. So, with all due respect, Senator Obama, I demand you prove it. Tell America the name of the military official you spoke with and allow an independent investigation to verify these serious allegations you raise. On behalf of our EIB brothers and sisters in the hood, we’re asking you, Mr. Obama, what’s up with that, yo? You got proof? On behalf of our Hispanic brothers and sisters, we’re asking, Señor Obama, es verdad? Okay, that’s it, Mr. Limbaugh, finally somebody might be able to make Jimmy Carter look competent.”