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To: CindyDawg

“She calls the Republican party the “fear” party.”

She’s half right. The apologists for both parties are very similar in their worldview when it comes right down to it.

100 posted on 02/22/2008 6:53:54 AM PST by RKBA Democrat (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: RKBA Democrat

“She’s half right. The apologists for both parties are very similar in their worldview when it comes right down to it.”

Not really.

Democrat ideologues don’t think anything like conservatives like me. And if you are a conservative they dont think like you.

Defending the proposition that “Democrats do really bad stuff so I oppose them and fear them gaining power” is *NOT* fearmongering on behalf of a party.

It is simply fearing bite of tyranny that nibble away at our freedom.

The whole anti’fear’ thing is a pure hype/marketing tool on behalf of Obama. you see, he is selling change. That change is bunch of awful socialist dreck that has been tried and failed before.

But it is so artfully packaged and shined up it looks new. So what does a cult-leader tell the cultist flock to keep them locked into the hype?
“Dont listen to outsiders.” - this is a classic cult-programming tool. Now, how do you get followers to tune it out? You have to get them to automatically reject any views/contrary data as flawed. So you tie it to a bad emotion ... “Hey, that’s fearmongering” “that’s the politics of fear.”

A *rational* response is to ask.
“Well, is the fear *real* or not?”
After all, in the 1930s Churchill was a fear-monger, who warned Britian of the danger of Nazi Germany and their plans for domination and war. His fearmongering was ignored - yet it was on target!

Let me fearmonger a second: Obama’s plans to end Bush’s tax cuts will cause $1 trillion in tax hikes over the next 5 years. They will almost certainly put the economy into a severe tailspin and cause and/or worsen a recession.
Valid? I submit to you the results of 1990 tax hike, which caused the 1990-1991 recession to be more severe.

One cannot simply call someone a member of the ‘fear party’ simply because they expose flaws in bad ideas. Obama is the killer of good ideas and the promoter of bad ideas.

295 posted on 02/22/2008 3:51:59 PM PST by WOSG (The 4-fold path to save America - Think right, act right, speak right, vote right!)
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