I'm saying that it's illegal for an illegal alien to be inside our borders. If politicians are looking the other way and not enforcing our border laws, and in fact are "wink, wink, nod, nod" encouraging them to come here by floating amnesty proposals, then those politicians share in the responsibility for any carnage these illegals cause.
Here's another example. Suppose I'm the principal of a high school. The law says no one is allowed inside the schools other than students, staff, and people with legitimate business there. But I ignore the law and start letting people off the street hang out in the hallways. One day, one of them kills your kid. Am I not responsible if I allowed this guy to enter the building illegally?
Again what's the "logic", it still seems that you are blaming the felonious crimes of one, on a whole ethnicity, unless you consider someone washing dishes to make a living a crime.