We are nearly identical to each other. That is due to coming from the tiny group of survivors of a worldwide catastrophe not so long ago. There simply hasn’t been time to drift into a lot of variety. Presumably there was no one left in Africa at all after that event, so the present occupants of Africa would have had to migrate back to Africa and might not resemble the original varieties at all.
Sorry but the molecular genetic data points to our common ancestry as being about 100,000 years ago at least. There is no geographic record of any such catastrophe that would depopulate Africa during the last 100,000 years, and the genetic data would show that genetic diversity increased out from Mt.Ararat, not from out of Africa.
Right Whale states a true but horrifying proposition for academia- the reluctant admission that there may actually have been an earth shattering global cataclysm recently, most likely during a period that is referred to by archaeologists as “the bronze age discontinuity”. The catastrophist approach to archaeology and anthropology has been actively suppressed and vilified in academia in spite of growing evidence that the archaeological and geological data and comparative analysis of mythologies of ancient and contemporary peoples make the catastrophist interpretation of history the only rational and compelling one. Academia can accurately be categorized as a cesspool of ideology and grant funding turf protection.