No, we don’t need anyone else here from CA. However, when you can buy a 2200 SF, 3 year old home, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, backing onto a neighborhood lake, in a planned unit development with a water park for $140,000? And be in a 30 minute commute to work...or less? Where you can start your own business with a minimum of government interference?
That’s why people from CA are moving here. Can’t afford to live there anymore.
The reasons for moving from California to rural America are you list. The problem is that when they move to hickville, Idhao, Montana, Wyoming, they think they have some sort of responibility to enlighten everyone to the California way.
My neighbor and long-time friends sold their ranch located adjacent to my place to a Califonia jerk with a lot of $$. The first battle was range cows in his pasture...he didn’t get the rule that cows are fenced OUT...his fences are in bad shape and he apparently thinks it’s everyone elses responsibility to maintain his fences. Then the battle went to water it was property lines and it was locked gates and trying to keep the public off the public roads and trails. I suspect this is the summer I’ll have to grab him and “explain” how things in California don’t work here. I’m looking forward to it.