Some of these McCainiacs come across as DU trolls. They have nothing intelligent to say, and inevitably resort to bizarre & stupid insults when confronted with logic & reasoning. You would think that if someone wants to another person of something, they would try to do that in an intelligent and courteous manner. Instead they degenerate to the level of Code Pinkers with terminal BDS.
I gotta believe there is some other viable option than the three libs in this race. Otherwise, it is going to be a long 4 years...
“Some of these McCainiacs come across as DU trolls. “
I was thinking the opposite. I read alot of inane anti-war talking points from those bashing McCain. Regurgitated talking points propagated by the anti-war left since 2003.
If we run a traditional consultant-dominated tactical Republican campaign, like weve seen in the last eight years, we will be defeated this fall, and we will be having a CPAC meeting next year talking about how we rebuild for the future with either President Obama or President Clinton in charge.
-Newt Gingrich
From Malkins blog:
CPAC is a joke. Conservative Political Action Conference? Lets see. Conservative speakers:
John McCain WHAT?
Ron Paul WTH?
Is this the best CPAC can do for conservatives?
Sorry, I am at a loss.
Mark Steyn I understand. There are MANY conservatives that can be given a platform that make sense.
If conservatives are going to rally to the cause of conservatives then, we should rally conservatives to the cause and not bring in a liberal in sheep clothing to rally conservatives to a liberals cause. Sheesh.
The Repubs in DC have torpedoed the conservative base.
McCain will bury the remains when he picks someone like Rudy to be his VP.
At that point I will be inclined to say:
We deserve everything we get.
A recent post by yours truly:
"The left wants true examples of staunch left wing candidates, and now they have two of them.
They certainly differ in style, but less in substance.
Most Dems want the most leftist/liberal/progressive candidate that they can get, and right now, that would be Obama.
I envy that they can go out and vote for a candidate that they are, or can be, proud of, and confident that they will uphold true liberal/Socialist policies.
We have nothing to be proud of, other than hold your nose and vote for me because Im not hillary, and the incredible bombast of K street GOP elitists like Crystal who smirk at us and say: what are they going to do, vote for hillary?
Well, no sir, I am not, but here is what I am not going to do:
Crawl on bloody knees over broken glass to elect a candidate that I am proud of, and would be equally proud to defend in open debate with any liberal trash.
I cannot do that because there is no such candidate.
Either of the choices for the dems are win/win for them and they are going to the polls in droves.
The cash and support is flowing in like the Nile river, the media is primed, and they are chomping at the bit, eager and ready for the fray.
Thank you for your posts. - Bill
Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.
- Theodore Roosevelt