Keep in mind, she was willing to put innocent people in prison so she could put her cronies into the now freed up slots. (Travelgate)
Obviously she fears neither Man nor God, thus one would be wise to stand clear.
I think Rush has nailed it down.
It is sheer fantasy, she has no power. Obama and those backing him are not going to roll over and play dead. She is going to lose. Will she kick and scream and shriek about it, and tear rulebooks to confetti? Sure. Who cares? It won't make the slightest difference. The party that didn't vote for her isn't going to nominate her - why the heck should they? Obama promises all the same policies without any of her baggage or Bill, without any of those backers needing to bow and scrap to them. He will be their own man with new gratitude and debts owed. They simply aren't such fools.
Rush is living in the past. Watch and learn, grasshopper.