McCain will never be your ideal candidate. But then neither will Hillary or Barrack. As someone pointed out, even if God is elected on the write in ballot, He likely would decline. So, you're basically stuck with McCain, Obama or Hillary.
You're likely to get more of your agenda done with McCain. You'll get absolutely nowhere with the other two.
And if you choose to not support McCain and it can be statistically proven, then you've been exposed as a lot of fluster and bluster but no power.
You're looking for the the ideal utopian social Christian outcome. It ain't gonna happen this year. So you'll have to use your God given gray matter to discern a choice among the choices available.
You're right, McCain is NOT my ideal candidate. I have no intention of supporting him. And when he loses, please don't blame me or conservatives "who stayed home." After all, he can win without conservatives, right? We're just all bluster and talk anyway.