Its just an apples to apples comparison for a '30%' Fair Tax as opposed to the 23% version.
If the Fair Tax ever becomes law, it would be good to report it using the traditional sales tax method because it will make people want to pay less. For comparative purposes though, the 23% version is more accurate.
Its just an apples to apples comparisonNo it isn't. It isn't anything and doesn't compare to anything.
If the Fair Tax ever becomes law, it would be good to report it using the traditional sales tax method because it will make people want to pay less.Oh right, but first we have to trick them, even lie to them, use fraudulent math, then, when after it passes, we can be honest about it...
Got it.
This means there is a hidden agenda somewhere. I believe it is likely some people here are protecting their turf by picking at the FairTax. Lord knows there are a lot of people earning their livelihood in tax compliance. That is a major part of the expense of the IRS system.
So to those tax lawyers, tax accountants, and Turbotax code writers out there, I am sorry if the Fairtax would put you in the category of buggy whip makers. Some of you will find work in the inevitable (but smaller) bureaucracy of the FairTax. To the rest of you, welcome to the productive part of the American economy.
And I am going to spend the day trying to figure out how to pay the correct tax on some stock I sold last year. It was acquired in a company stock plan, which makes it a little more complicated. But that's OK, because we love the income tax so much.