I am for national security. I would jerk every perfume prince 0-7 and above in the Pentagon out of their chairs and put their lazy hides back on watch in our skies 24/7/365. I would have armed planes on alert status sitting on Tarmacs at unannounced airbases. I would close our borders to anyone who doesn't have a legal Visa. I would make the hiring of illegals a felony punishable by no less than 5 years prison and make company CEO's and owners do the time for the crime.
I would stop the United States dependency on foreign goods. I would stop supporting China's national defensee with American dollars. Change before trade. No change in national policy? No Trade! All military and national defense needs would be Made In USA no exception. I would halt 8 year military obligations and put it back to a reasonable 6 year one with the GI Bill restored. I would call for an immediate raise of Active Duty Armed Forces End Troop Strengths by one third.
I would place security for commercial air travel where it actually belongs. I would turn it over to the airliners themselves. In doing so they could do as they wish security wise as it would be THEIR private property.
I would encourage private gun ownership and suspend the Brady Bill. I would allow concealed carry and make it a felony for any law enforcement agency to try and harass the gun owner or subvert that right of a law abiding citizen. No records would be kept by the government as to ownership beyond a theft report filed by owner. Note I said law abiding.. Notice Bush has not proposed any of this. Why not? It's easier to herd a nation of willing cowards perhaps?
I’d vote for you for President!