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To: cva66snipe

Terrorism per se is nothing new.

Terrorism on the scale of 9/11 is. The potential for losing a city and half a million citizens in seconds makes the threat one that must be dealt with.

By any means necessary.

If that means listening into overseas calls, so be it. If that means closing all mosques and arresting all imams, so be it.

Incidentally, I have no problem driving anywhere. I have an Escalade. It certainly has better seat room and a better ride than any airliner and a much better sound system. Plus my Akita/Shiba Inu mix dog can ride shotgun with me.

83 posted on 02/16/2008 10:29:44 AM PST by Emperor Palpatine ("There is no civility, only politics.")
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To: Emperor Palpatine
Terrorism on the scale of 9/11 is. The potential for losing a city and half a million citizens in seconds makes the threat one that must be dealt with.

Really? Then explain this one. Look up hijacked airliner +Oak Ridge, Tennessee +Weapons Plants and get back to me. BTW I live ground zero from there. You tell me how the threat was dealt with both then and future.

96 posted on 02/16/2008 10:43:28 AM PST by cva66snipe (Proud Partisan Constitution Supporting Conservative to which I make no apologies for nor back down)
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To: Emperor Palpatine
If that means closing all mosques and arresting all imams, so be it.

Are you freaking kidding me?!?

110 posted on 02/16/2008 11:43:42 AM PST by jmc813 (Ron Paul is the only pro-lifer/non-gun grabber left running for President)
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To: Emperor Palpatine
Terrorism per se is nothing new. Terrorism on the scale of 9/11 is. The potential for losing a city and half a million citizens in seconds makes the threat one that must be dealt with.

The stakes in the Cold War were the loss of every major urban center in America. And yet we did not suspend the Constitution and trash the Bill of Rights.

By any means necessary.

People like you are the reason the GOP deserves to lose the House, Senate and Presidency. Pity the Dems don´t deserve to win.

116 posted on 02/16/2008 1:30:03 PM PST by AdamSelene235 (Truth has become so rare and precious she is always attended to by a bodyguard of lies.)
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