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To: IreneE; Blogger
U Said: Actually we Christians are permitted to judge one another. It is not “judging” in the hypocritical sense of condemning someone for the very same sin we do ourselves. It is discerning about spiritual matters.

Really, Please show me a scripture where it says you can do more than police your Church.

U Said: Paul had witnessed a gross case of incest in Corinth. The congregation, for whatever reason — insensitivity towards sin, reluctance to confront, an unsureness of whether or not what the man was doing was sin under the new covenant — the congregation at Corinth was “tolerating” a man in open incest. So Paul wrote about it and then reminded them that:
1 Corinthians 5:11-13
“It is not my business to pass judgment on those outside. Of those who are inside, you can surely be the judges. But of those who are outside, God is the judge.”

This is a matter of policing the Church, not determining who is Christian, Jesus determines that, not you. Please allow Jesus to do his job, you are not qualified to judge me fro you cannot see my heart.

U Said: Later Paul has evidently told Timothy previously to tell certain false teachers to cease and desist. He writes in I Tim. 3:

Again, this was policing the Early apostolic church. IF you are a methodist, feel free to expel me from the Methodist Church, however, you may not expel me from the Faith of Jesus Christ.

U Said: So, the Lord tells us that we have every right to discern and judge sin in people who call themselves believers as well as we are to warn people when they are preaching and teaching false doctrine. The Bible is clear that anyone that teaches anything but the gospel and anyone who adds to it — is accursed.

Yes, it is clear, it is also clear that the Gospel was changed already thus when God corrects his church, the accursed call it corruption. By your won logic any enhancement, or clarification of doctrine not taught in the Bible is accursed. Please show me "The Trinity" in the Bible.

U Said: It’s nice that you said that what I stated was not what Mormons believe.

That's because it's true.

U Said: However you did not reference those texts in the B of Mormon which raise the question for Mike Huckabee and myself.

Why, are you interested in joining? If not then what we believe is irrelevant especially if you believe you are qualified to judge us, for there is only one judge I will recognize and again I will tell you that you are not him. Come down off the High horse, you are a sinner, just like me.

U Said: Your refutation of the many wives on their own planet argument is sweet. I’m glad you love your wife.

Thanks, and so am I.

U Said: However, what you believe is not Biblical at all. You know that Jesus said that “there is no marriage in heaven”? C’mon. You have got to have read the Bible.

Yes, marriage is an earthly ordinance, just like baptism, we perform both by proxy in the temple... Surely you knew that.

U Said: Jesus’ atonement is a sacrifice for the soul that will believe it.

And I believe it in so many ways that you cannot understand for you lack my perspective. on the other hand, I have attended Many protestant Churches Baptists, Methodist, Pentecostals, I even graduated from a Buddhist monastery in Taiwan while I was there. I think I know a bit about religion.

U Said: My faith in Christ does not apply to my husband or relatives. That means Hitler would get into Mormon heaven by some baptism for the dead ceremony by a distant relative? I don’t think so.

Baptism By proxy does not guarantee anyone salvation, nor (I submit) does membership in any church. Hitler will not have any lesser punishment for he knew what he did, proxy baptism or no.

U Said: And, miming or mouthing the words that “we confess Jesus is Lord” is meaningless wordplay if not backed up by faith. Why? Because even the devils acknowledge Jesus. It is the confession of faith in Jesus because of how He has saved us from our sin. It is not some magical declaration. Jesus does not merely decorate our lives if He is our savior, He resides inside of us.

I could not agree more.

U Said: Anyway, there is no personal animosity towards you.

I guess that's good, it's almost worse to be causally dismissed.

U Said: That is reserved for the deceiver of our souls. But I will say that I testify to the joyous resurrection power of Jesus Christ in my personal life and that I believe that all things will pass away, but His Word will NEVER pass away.


U Said: That’s why adding to the Word or altering the idea of how one is saved (preaching a different gospel) is so strongly rebuffed by the Lord in the Bible.

I couldn't agree more, how the Apostles grieved when they could see the deceiver entering into the church even while they were still trying to build it up, how sad they must have been to prophesy of it's destruction like Paul did in 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3 Where Paul says:
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Sadly this has already happened, as all protestant churches agree for they all sought to reform the church by splitting off.

U Said: This is what is wrong with the Book of Mormon; it is a self-described “corrective” and addition to God’s holy Word!

When did God cease to strive with men? Where is it written that the heavens are sealed? Surely you don't think that the Book of revelations was actually written last. many of the Gospels were written after it, besides the Book of revelations was originally a book on it's own, deuteronomy contains a similar verse, you don't want to throw away everything after it do you? IF you accept the Book of revelations as the cessation of revelation, then your Bible will be much smaller, for example, revelations written in before 65 AD was written before the Gospel of St. John Written in 90 AD.

U Said: Toss it out. You only need the Gospel.

The Gospel is contained in the Book of Mormons too, God told me so. Who are you that I should listen to you above God?

I ask you, when you go to a restaurant, do you taste the food before passing judgment? Smell it? No you both smell and taste before you decide if you like it yet you would Mormons the Book of Mormon unread untouched. This unreasoning rejection is condemned in the Bible.

There is a section on my page here called Put our religion to "The Test" The Test in short is contained in First John 4:1-3
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
I have indeed put the Book of Mormon tot he Test, I have received a witness direct from God in such a way that I dare not deny my testimony of The Book of Mormon, and of the Divinity of Jesus Christ, for I received a testimony of both at the same time. I know the testimony was of God, can you say the same? Why on earth would a man having been born witness of by God deny his testimony? Why would anyone who claims to be a disciple of Jesus deny a testimony of him? To deny one is to deny the other, and I will not!

Brother, for I can feel your spirit in your testimony and I believe you to be an honest petitioner unto Jesus, I encourage you to Get a Book of Mormon, Read it, compare the Spirit of it's writings with the Bible, measure it by the Bible pray about it with the Bible, and Discern if this is not also of God.

John 16: 13
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
Be ye not afraid, if you are guided by the Holy Ghost, he will teach you if this is of God or not. If it is of God then great will be your Joy, if it is not, then you will have received an answer that I have never seen an honest petitioner receive, for verily I say unto you, this is how all Mormons gained their testimonies by reading and praying to God for an answer. Remember, he has promised to answer: Luke 11: 9
9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
Go with God my FRiend, may his spirit be with you alway, amen.
590 posted on 02/14/2008 10:40:53 PM PST by DelphiUser ("You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think")
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To: DelphiUser; Blogger

Let me just ask you one question:

What is it in the Gospel or the New Testament (New Covenant; replacing the Old) that is so insufficient for your salvation that you need the Book of Mormon?

598 posted on 02/15/2008 12:09:55 AM PST by IreneE (Live for nothing or die for something.)
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