From the San Jose Mercury News - in this one they actually make it sound like the police were doing their job - not...
Watered down report on FNC right now
I sent this just now. It’s the best I could do with only 1/2 cup of coffee in me........
I’d like to know why the city of Berkeley is allowing Federal Law to be broken. The Code Pink and their clingers-on are making your city into even more of a laughing stock than it already was before this Marine recruiting office mess. The police are not doing their jobs — allowing the doors to be blocked and citizens to be assaulted.
It is as though they WANT there to be a riot so they can say, “See?! Look what the Marines caused” Let me tell you, Americans will not stand for this. The city and it’s council needs to stop playing their foolish games and concentrate on creating a safe, welcoming environment in the city of Berkeley. While they are pretending to be 99% more important than they are by issuing declarations having to do with NATIONAL matters, your city is being overrun by crime. While they cry “tolerance” your city is being overtaken by those who tolerate only the mindless repetition of their own ideals.
America is watching. Do the right thing, Berkeley. For once.