I think the real reason no one watches is found in the words, “with big names like Beyonce, Kanye West and Amy Winehouse performing”...
I’ve heard their names, but I haven’t listened to these acts much. However, I know that since I’m over forty, I no longer count for pop-culture mavens, so I asked my 23-yr-old daughter what she listens to... her answer is “none of the above”. Rather, she listens to indy acts she garners from internet searches and word-of-mouth. Evidenty the only people who think Kayne West and Amy Winehouse are “big names” are their labels and managers...
I’m sorry, but the numbers prove it - the labels no longer have the offerings to bring in viewers.
I’m over forty and look for music the same way. I was flipping through the channels on DirecTV a couple weeks ago and heard Cobie Caillet singing “Realize”. I’d never heard of her. My wife told me she became famous by putting her songs on Youtube.
Amos Lee is another good one (”Arms of a Woman” is awesome!):