To: F15Eagle
Far from it. When the great speeches are over, and the reality sets in, in NOVEMBER, not FEBRUARY, Obama loses to McCain or Romney 54-44.
50 posted on
02/10/2008 3:28:17 PM PST by
(Ugliness can be cured by a light switch.)
To: MindBender26
"Obama loses to McCain or Romney 54-44."How is this possible. Hell, McCain can barely break 35% in a two way race in his own Party with Undecided or, other, withdrawn candidates out polling him? And with Dems energized and registering in record number? And, finally, with McCain having given the back of his hand to a large segment of his base?
I'd like to package and sell some of whatever happy stuff you're drinking/taking. It is good!
74 posted on
02/10/2008 3:40:25 PM PST by
(The Clintons Are Not Just Wrong - They Are Certifiable AND Dangerous! See my Page)
To: MindBender26
You’re holding out Romney as the potential nominee at this stage and you’re talking about “reality”?
80 posted on
02/10/2008 3:41:47 PM PST by
(Arminian by birth, Calvinist by the grace of God) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson