Only even up bets?
You're right, of course. McCain hasn't a chance against Obama, if he even has the nomination AND the conservatives fall in line.
I heard something interesting. Donna Brazille, I heard, said on CNN (she's on Wolfe's Afternoon show) that if Florida were to suddenly be put into play at the Dem convention, thereby mortally wounding Obama, who didn't campaign in Florida, recall, as it was allegedly out of play...I heard Donna Brazille said that if the Clintons tried any of this funny stuff and it overturned the will of the majority, that she will QUIT the Democratic party.
also heard, again on CNN, that if the Florida thing is overturned, ie Florida's delegates count, than there could be considered another primary in Florida, this to keep Obama from complaining that the rules were changed AFTER his campaign strategy.
which is, heh, what happened.
Anyhow, the fact that the Florida senator is out and about and mentioning about this Florida thing, the fact that all this is even being discussed and Donna Brazille is talking about quitting, well seriously folks, we really need the popcorn.
Huckabee it is said, cannot possibly get the required votes to get the required delegate count-he needs around 700 more and there's aren't enough states left to get him up to the 1100+ votes required.
Huck, it is alleged, wants to BLOCK McCain from getting the 1100+ votes and lead into a brokered convention, whatever that means.
Who could have predicted all this?
You are right there! Irrespective of his actual stands on the issues, Obama IS energizing the Dems and trouncing the previously coronated Hillary in the process. Meanwhile the Reps put up a doddering, grumpy anachronism from the Senate, a nominee who cannot even pull a majority in his own Party's caucuses in what is essentially a two man race? Give me a break Puleeeze!
"Only even up bets?"
LOL - There are those who are confidently, and even arrogantly predicting a McCain victory in Nov. They also attack any who dare to question this assessment. Being the sucker I am, I stand ready to hand them my money, even up, in the face of their certainty over the inevitable victory by McCain in Nov. /s