HUAC needs to be reconvened, but then half the Congress would be under a pall..
If HUAC or a decently led House Internal Security Committee were in operation (wiped out by the Democratic Caucus in secret in 1975), then much of the Democrat Party leadership would have to be questioned about their support for, affiliation with, or membership in the Communist Party USA and its fronts (NLG, NLG-created CCR, NECLC, KGB fronts (World Peace Council - including Sen. Levin and Rep. John Conyers; Gensuiken;); Workers World Party and its fronts IAC, ANSWER, etc; the old Socialist Workers Party and its youth arm, Young Socialist Alliance, and its fronts, CODEL, PRDF (loaded with congressmen/women), WONAAC, SMC, etc); the Revolutionary Communist Party fronts, including VVAW (after 1972), and support groups for the Sandinistas and the FMLN (Madre, NEST, MAES), and the old Hanoi lobby fronts Mobes, PCPJ, NPAC, MAI, Bach Main Hospital Project, etc.
There ain’t enuff time in our lives to hold all these hearings, but there are enough jails to hold these traitors and fools.
Been there, seen it, wrote about it.
PS: Re the three former terrorists, “it takes former terrorists to recognize covert terrorists/supporters” re CAIR.
In Vietnam, the best anti-VC fighters were former VC known as Kit Carson scouts.