Braynard’s a moron who is blaming conservatives for backing conservative candidates. He can get bent.
I thought Mitt was by far the best one that ran. He wasn’t beaten by the people here. He was beaten by the open borders lobby. That includes the MSM, the multi-nationals, the Republican establishment, the Bushes and to a very small extent the morons on this site. This open borders bunch takes down everyone that stands in their way. They took down Pat Buchanan, Perot, Tancredo, and now Romney. Unless we get a strong third party, someone like Lou Dobbs we are going to have a massive decline in our standard of living.
He reminds of one those stupid kids you went to Jr High with, that blamed everybody else for losing the game. It's over, Romney had no chance, because he is a NE RINO. He had no credentials as a conservative and had a difficult time with the truth.