“ronically, the entire premise of his book and movie are based on the most extreme temperature projection from the 2001 IPCC report, which fall outside of the best estimates from the latest IPCC report. The 2007 IPCC report’s best estimate for temperature between now and 2100 is 1.8 deg C to 4.0 deg C. The IPCC ignored the most recent findings showing the mistakes Hansen made and the embarrasing GISS revisions. It also doesn’t account for the Urban Heat Island Effect properly because it relies on the allegedly fraudulent research of Wei-Chyung Wang.”
This is fiction, not fact.
NOBODY in the enviro movement is acknowledging the 15-27% IMPROVEMENT in plant growth and crop yield that we see NOW from higher CO2 levels. The movement wants the death and doom scenarios - and denies any benefit from the 1/2 - 2 degree temp increase that “might” come.