I'm 56 years old and received a good public education. What I don't know is my fault. In my lifetime, it has collapsed to a point my wife and I had to home school my daughter. If you are hoping or waiting for a change, your child will graduate with brain damage, and it's too late then. Public school is permanently broken, and can't be fixed, only shunned. The liberal administrations and teacher unions have a strangle hold on a system in a death spiral. You aren't going to "vote" in school boards and politicians to fix a dead dinosaur. There isn't enough time or money to fix something this broken. It's hurting America and killing our children.
I recently watched the movie "Idiocracy". I thought it ranked as one of the worst movies ever made, but since, have decided it is a "must see" for people wanting to see the future.
“I recently watched the movie “Idiocracy”. I thought it ranked as one of the worst movies ever made”
Considering how accurate is was about our pop-culture, it was one of the best movies made and scarier than any Holloween flick.