Here we pay unemployed people who have been on welfare their entire lives more money for each baby they have. This makes just as much sense. Of course this British plan comes with a great big step towards sharia law which brings ever more benefits to the women. Soon they won’t even be allowed to work, go outside, vote, drive, or nearly anything else.
Female circumcision should go over especially well in the enlightened British society.
Aid for Families With Dependent Children (AFDC aka Welfare)is technically limited to five years in the United States. As a career counselor and supervisor at two different state (Iowa and Texas) workforce centers, I saw thousands of these “clients” in my 15+ years. Most had more worldly goods and money than I did. Also, they could quote you chapter and verse from the laws and rules wich governed their entitlements. I say we go back to the system of churches and charities helping the poor, and the government would only assist those that are truly disabled.