I've been employing that very Idea when I get calls from the RSCC..
I've told them I would rather donate to the candidate of my choice than blindly
trust them to divee out my donations to the likes of:
*Arlin Sphincter
*Lynseed Grahmnesty
*Whiney Voinie
*the RINO twins from Maine...
* etc.
I've had experienced phone people try and explain to me why they think I'm wrong
and my reply is "How can I be wrong when I'm the one donating?"
That usually is that last thing I say before I press the off button on the phone.
In case you weaken when the NRSC calls again, just browse this website. these are the people behind McCain and every non-conservative Republican officeholder in every local jurisdiction:
The RLC is proud to partner with the following organizations:
[I am posting just a few examples.]
GreenGOP.org believes that environmental conservation and economic development are not mutually exclusive, but in fact complementary. Rather than fighting for environmental conservation from the political left, GreenGOP.org seeks to engage fellow Republicans, who are perceived as being “anti-environment,” in a positive policy debate. GreenGOP.org argues that contrary to popular belief, environmental conservation is consisent with sustainable pro-growth economic development policies.
Main Street Coalition
The Republican Main Street Partnership was founded in 1998 to promote thoughtful leadership in the Republican Party, to serve as a voice for centrist Republicans and to partner with individuals, organizations and institutions that share centrist values.
National Republican Senatorial Committee
The National Republican Senatorial Committees sole responsibility is to make sure that Republican Senate candidates are elected to the United States Senate. Senator Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina serves as the Chair.
New America Foundation
The purpose of the New America Foundation is to bring exceptionally promising new voices and new ideas to the fore of our nations public discourse. Relying on a venture capital approach, the Foundation invests in outstanding individuals and policy ideas that transcend the conventional political spectrum. Through its Fellowships and Policy Programs, New America sponsors a wide range of research, writing, conferences, and events on the most important issues of our time.
Planned Parenthood Republicans for Choice
Republicans for Choice (RFC) is dedicated to the preservation of individual rights and reproductive freedom. They represent women and men across the country who believe our nation is best served by policies that support family planning and a woman’s right to choose.
Republicans for Choice
Republicans for Choice PAC was organized in 1990 in response to the Webster Decision, the first Supreme Court decision to limit Roe. The mission is to recruit and mobilize pro-choice Republicans, change the Party Platform to reflect the majority pro-choice position and to help recruit and fund pro-choice candidates.
Republican Governors Association
Founded in 1963, the Republican Governors Association (RGA), is the official public policy and political organization of the Republican Governors of the United States. The RGA maintains a leadership role at the forefront of national policy-making. Meeting with congressional leaders regularly, Republican Governors remain actively engaged in setting the agenda in areas such as tax cuts, welfare and education reform. In addition to influencing the national agenda, the RGA assists in the election of Republican gubernatorial candidates and the re-election of incumbent governors.
Republicans for Environmental Protection
REP America is a non-profit, grassroots organization dedicated to restoring the GOPs great conservation tradition, and educating citizens and elected officials about the need to protect our environment, wildlands and natural resources. We advocate legislation to accomplish those goals while adhering to the basic Republican principles of economic vitality, fiscal responsibility and smaller government.
Republican Majority for Choice
The Republican Majority for Choice is an organization of Republican men and women throughout the United States, who believe in our partys traditional principles of individual liberty, strong national security and sound economic reason. They endorse the big tent philosophy of inclusion and tolerance on social issues, and support the protection of Roe v. Wade and want to ensure that the right to choose is personal and NOT political.