I was saying that since both Senators were from the same state and all the voters in the state get to decide who they want to represent them. Then it should make no difference if Rick Santorum backed Arlan Spector or not. The problem is with your analogy. Let say Alan Spector gets knocked off. Then the new Republican would go against a new Democrat. course there wasn’t much difference between Alan or a Dem. No, what i was getting at was you were blathering on about Sen Santorum because he supported Mitt Romney. of course that is what the thread was about wasn’t it. you anti Romney guys every time Mitt get an endorsement or wins a caucus or state primary you guys come out of the woodwork and start slamming Mitt how he is a liar or flip flopper. Why do you care about Santorum anyway your in NEW YorK?
Because you are using Santorum as somehow to tout his credentials over into a NATIONAL election which does effect me here in NY. You see, I’m part of the United States and have a say of who I wish to see as president.
I pay special attention to all elected officials because I do write to them or call their offices because they cast votes. I pay attention to what Senator Sessions is doing and saying because he has shown himself to be a leader in an area that effects ALL Americans, not just his own state.
You do realize that senators are on committees and make decisions that will impact ALL citizens of these United States when they create and vote on laws, do you not?